Part 13

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-The morning after the fight-

Shigs POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. The dream..why am I remembering them's been 17 years.. I look down at my hand which is throbbing, my pinky, ring, middle, and index fingers are all grey with my knuckles cracking and bleeding..what the hell.

3rd POV
Shigaraki gets up and runs out of his room, trying to find Kurogiri but he's nowhere to be seen..not in the living room, kitchen or the bar..the bathroom is empty..Shigaraki looked in kurogiris room and Shigaraki finally found Kuro sitting on his bed reading a book.

"Tomura Shigaraki. Do you need something." Kurogiri spoke not looking up from his book

"Kuro..somethings wrong..-" tomuras voice almost cracking as tears filled his eyes, walking to Kuro and showing him tomuras hand

Kuro looks at the hand and gets up, going to the bathroom and grabbing bandages, he walks out and sits back on the bed. He began to wrap tomuras knuckles up, the bluenette wincing everytime the bandages rub again the cracked skin.

(sorry this is kinda short, I have a lot of things going on rn with my health so I'll try and keep posting the most I can)

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