Part 12

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Dabis POV
After our little argument I left to calm down..I knew he was gonna find out about hawks sooner or later but not like this. I thought hawks was gonna say some shit when they meet. God damn it.. I just hope Shigaraki won't do anything stupid. When he gets worked up he doesn't think straight..(NONE OF US DO #pride) it honestly worries me..

-Time skip to when Dabi gets back-

3rd POV

Once Dabi gets back the house it's quiet. Not a single light on and everyone's shoes are gone besides for tomuras. The league would normally go out and tomura being the antisocial person he is would never go so Dabi was used to being home alone with tomura. The bluenette is asleep on his bed, exhausted from crying and quirk overload. A few things around his room are disintegrated, broken or missing. Shigi was totally pissed the fuck off that Dabi would do such a thing. After all, Shigi does have trust issues and trusted Dabi with his personally information that only Kurogiri and AFO (All for one) knew. It broke the bluenettes heart knowning that his lover broke his trust.

-Few hours later once Dabi left and Shigi woke up-

Shigis POV

The one guy who I knew i could talk to and be a normal person with. Not some horrible villian that kills for fun. It's not for fun..people just don't understand villians are villians for a reason. I'm a villian because of my father beating the living shit out of me because I wanted to be a hero, me killing them and taking masters hand and become his successor. Back then I thought he was a good guy. Master was the only one who saved me. Nobody else did! They walked past a child covered in blood! Hero's seem all good until you realize that heroes and villains both thrive on violence, but
we're still categorized. "You're good "You're evil." That's how it is! Symbol of peace such as a person who has a good quirk?!? Hah! In the end, they just a tool for violence, made to keep us down. And violence only breeds more violence...the cycle never ends. For villians and hero's. The symbol of peace retires, the symbol of fear retires. Their successors take over and become the new symbols of peace and fear. Fight constantly then each retires then the cycle starts over and over again..honestly. I want a world we're society doesn't determine who you are by your quirk or whatever. We are all humans and we shouldn't be killed because we are misunderstood. Only reason I kill is because of endangerment..

450 words

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