Part 5

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Dabis POV

Something was definitely up but I didn't wanna ask..or should I? Nope I don't think I should considering it could be personal..we all have issues here.

Shigaraki POV

I don't know why I felt like crying, especially on Dabi. I just know I can't hold in all this stress anymore..Dabi isn't pulling away or questioning so I guess it makes me feel better, I'd rather not talk about it.

3rd POV
Dabi doesn't understand what to do, hold Shigaraki, try and comfort or just leave him alone. Dabi decides to wrap his arm around shig and hold him close. It calms Shigaraki down as the tears start to dry up. Shigaraki ends up falling asleep on dabis shoulder.The raven haired man lays his boss down on the bed, covering him up.

(Sry it's short)
142 words

The new guy and the boss (Shigadabi!)Where stories live. Discover now