Part 7

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(Quick A/N, thank you guys so much for 58 reads!! I love you all so much and I hope you are enjoying the story)

Shigaraki POV

Especially if kurogiri walks in, nobody knows I'm Gay, Nor do I want anybody to know. I hate it, and if master finds out I'm dead.

3rd POV

Shigaraki forces himself out of Dabis grip and sits at the edge of the bed.

"Creep? What's wrong?" The raven haired man asked

"Nothing Dabi. I'm fine..maybe you should go to your room.." The bluenette responds with tears in his eyes, thinking about the worst.

Dabi sits up and moves over beside Shigaraki. Dabi knew something was wrong. The bluenette looks away from the raven haired man and wipes the tears falling out of his eyes.

Dabi POV
He's crying again. What the fuck is going on with him..i better give him alone time.. I get up and make my way to the door, opening it.

"Hey creep. You know you can talk to me right? I won't judge you for opening up or whatever is going on." I said in a partly calming voice before walking out and shutting the door behind me.

Shigaraki POV

I don't even know what's wrong..I can't help I ask for help? Let it bottle up? What do I do. Dabi said he wouldn't judge me but if he found out I think he'll judge me..I..well I have a crush on him. Why..why him?! We tried to kill eachother our first ever meeting! No no no I hate him! I?

3rd POV

The bluenette sits on his bed as tears roll down his face, continuing to think about his feelings for the raven haired guy. On the other hand, Dabi is getting some alcohol at the bar with twice, toga of course is whining how she isn't to young to have the drinks. Compress and spinner are out on a mission Shigaraki sent them on a few days ago. Dabi just can't get the fact that his own boss is crying.

"I'll be right back guys" Dabi says while setting down his drink.

He walks back to his bosses room and knocks on the door before opening it. He paused for a second when he sees Shigaraki having a breakdown. His neck is bleeding from his continuously scratching, tears roll down his face as he tries to control his breathing.

(Quick warning to anybody who gets triggered by panic attacks, one is within the next paragraph and so on!)

Dabi shuts the door and sits in front of Shigaraki on the floor, pulling his bosses hands away from his neck gently and holding them to make sure he won't keep scratching.

Dabis POV

This reminds me of shoto and mom..But I have to take care of him..he isn't okay.

3rd POV

"H-hey..cmon your bleeding you can't keep scratching.." the raven haired man says in a calming voice
Dabi is trying to figure out how he can help. Meanwhile Shigaraki is trying to his hands out of the others grip.

"I'm sorry..I.. I didn't mean to.." Tears fall faster and faster from the bluenettes eyes and his breathing gets heavier.

"Hey hey hey. You didn't do anything wrong Shigaraki." Dabi says while he gets up and sits beside his boss.

The raven haired man pulls the bluenette on his lap and straddles him with Shigarakis head on Dabis chest. This calms the bluenette down slightly.

("" is Dabi and '' is shiggy)

"What's going on with you c- Shig?"
'I'm sorry..'

"Don't be sorry shig..I just wanna know how I can help you."

'I-..I don't think you can..'

"Hmh? What do you mean by that?"

'Dabi..I have a..crush on you..'

The words that just came out of Shigarakis mouth makes Dabi freeze. Shigaraki closes his eyes and looks down to avoid dabi.

Shigaraki POV
I did it..I told him..oh my god I told him! I didn't even mean to say it but..I feel my head gets tilted up and something pressed against my lips. I open my eyes and holy shit! Dabi is kissing me! W-what do i do? I can already feel the heat rising to my face.

3rd person

Shigaraki pushes Dabi away and dabi looks at his blushing boss on his lap.

"Oh cmon~ you're red boss.."

'S-Shut it!'

"First kiss?"

'No shit Dabi! I've never had even a small crush on anybody before! Much less getting kissed!'

Dabi kisses shig again to shut him up. Shigaraki starts to give into the kiss but pushes Dabi away again, his face being bright red and laying his head under dabis chin

"God your adorable Shigaraki."

'Can you just shut up about it, and don't you dare tell the others I kissed the new guy.'

"Yeah yeah, I'm guessing nobody knows you're.."

'Yep and I'd like it to stay that way, master isn't a fan of those "type of people" he calls them, though he doesn't know that I am apart of  the "type of people" '

"The others seem to be accepting over toga, the psycho. She's Bi."

'Figured so. I just get that feeling from her'

Shigaraki laughs a bit and nuzzles his head into dabis shirt.

'So is there any reason you join my league? With your quirk you could've made it as a hero..'

Dabi tenses up from that comment.

"Well..I have a hatred for hero's and I want them to suffer. But you could've become a hero too! Your quirk is amazing!"

'Well..uhm..' Shigaraki goes on to tell Dabi about his past. His family, his fathers hatred for hero's, his grandmother AKA Nana Shimura. He opens up to Dabi and tells him everything.

After the story Dabi is in disbelief..

"Wow..okay then..that's how you got here?"

'Yep..only people who know about it are master and Kurogiri."

(1000 words)

The new guy and the boss (Shigadabi!)Where stories live. Discover now