Part 8

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3rd POV

"Really? Figured most people would've know."

'I don't like admitting I have a hero in my family. If it wasn't for her death I would be a hero.'

"Yeah I can understand that.."

The room goes quiet..until toga walks in.

"Hey Tomu-.." the blonde enters excited but then freezes once she sees her boss

Shigaraki quickly gets off his lap and sits beside him on the bed, his face bright red.

"Toga! I told you to knock before comming in!"The bluenette gets up and walks up to toga pulling her in and shutting the door.

"Tomura and Dabi?!" She giggles

"Psycho it's not what it looks like, he needed help to calm down from a breakdown and so I was just helping him, That's all that was. Okay?" The patchwork man finally speaks

"Hmm..Fine~ but misty man wanted me to tell you or I guess you two that we are going out and if you guys wanted to come you can" She looks back and forth between the bluenette and the raven haired man.

'I'm good. I don't feel like going out.' Shigaraki states before sitting back on his bed

"Nah I'll stay here too. Have fun and be safe psycho." Dabi slightly smirks and glances over at Shigaraki quickly before looking back at toga and the smirk fades.

She nods and walks out leaving the two men alone. As soon as the door shuts shig gets up and locks the door, walking back to Dabi and sitting on his lap.

(Again Shig is '' and Dabi is "")

'Anyways..let's hope she doesn't go run her mouth.'

"Nah, shes pretty good at keeping secrets."

'So, how long have you known her? You two seem pretty close..'

"Well I'm 24 right now and she's about 4 years. She ran away after she badly injured a few kids from her school. I was on the streets and has been for a few years then and we bumped into eachother and after the cops came after me, wanted for burning a school down and her with her record we just became friends and we lived on the streets in a alleyway until Giran found us and took us in."

'Your quirk is interesting..I do have to admit. I'm guessing it's what caused these?' He traces his hand over the others face scars gently, feeling the difference in normal skin and the burnt skin.

"Yep. It was a uhm..quirk malfunction when I was 13 ish."

'It's do you have a jaw under this Orr..'

(Anybody who watches gloom sally face or plays sally face will under stand that line.)

"i do it's just deformed."

'Oh..sorry for asking' The bluenette pulls his hand away from the scars on the others face.

Dabi holds Shigaraki against his chest and he lays back. The two men now laying down on the bed together. Shigaraki closes his eyes and listens to the raven haired mans heartbeat as he falls asleep.

Dabi is used to not sleeping a lot so he gets out his phone until 4 in the morning and falls asleep.

(I will be busy with school this next week but I'm out for 3 weeks. I will write then.)
(545 words)

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