Part 10

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Dabis POV
It's kinda crazy. Him being my boss and us having a secret relationship..what if he finds out about HIM..No, No he couldn't right. I need to stop thinking about this.

3rd POV
Dabi gets up carefully trying not to wake Shigi up and gets changed in his villian uniform. He walks out and toga being toga is being nosey to where Dabi is going

"Dabiiii!~ where are you goingggg!" Toga giggles after saying.
"Somewhere. Go bother someone else." Dabi with an attitude says back while putting his boots on.

Dabi then walks out of the bases door and goes out, walking in the shadows of the alleyways.

Dabis POV
After a little bit of walking I walk into the meeting place of the lov. Its like where tomura meets new people or what not. I got bored waiting and sat on the floor, playing around with a flame. Until I heard the footsteps and a red feather comes into my field of vision.

"Hey." A voice spoke, it echoing into the empty building.

"Why are you here Keigo."

(Trigger warning: panic attack but from my experiences of having them)

Tomuras POV

I woke up and I felt dust on my hands..Dabi isn't there..did I..? Did I kill him? I didn't realize it but I started to hyperventilate..what if I he is just out at the bar right..I felt the walls closing in..everything is no no no..I started to remember my family in little bits..mother, sister, grandma and father..Mon..everyone. I was brought back to toga sitting on my bed gently touching my shoulder.

3rd person
"Tomura..?" Toga said worryingly

Tomura calms down slightly, looking around and getting his gloves on.

"W...where's Dabi.." Tomuras voice shakily spoke
"He went out for a bit..he's okay tomu.."

Toga pulls tomura to her and she wraps her arms around him, hugging him and holding him. Tomura ends up falling back asleep, toga soon after.

Dabis POV
Me and Keigo had a conversation and afterwards I left. Sometimes I hate that bird brain but he gives us information on hero's. I probably need to be getting back the the's getting dark.

3rd POV
Dabi walks in and everyone is asleep so we quietly walks into tomuras room, seeing him asleep on the bed, hugging one of Dabis hoodies. This makes Dabi smile and he kicks his boots off and drops his jacket on tomuras floor, crawling in bed with tomura. Tomura starts to wake up and smells Dabis cologne. The blue haired man's bright red eyes met the black hairs blue eyes. Tomura wrapped his arms around dabi, holding him close.

"Im sorry tomu..I didn't wanna wake you up.." Dabi quietly whispers as he kissed the others head.

"I..I thought I lost you.." tomura mumbles

"I know I'm sorry..go back to sleep love." Dabi kisses the small males head again as both of them drift to sleep.

The new guy and the boss (Shigadabi!)Where stories live. Discover now