Part 14

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Shigs POV

Something was obviously wrong..this wasn't normal. Sure a few cracks here and there were but nothing like this. I'm sure I'm just like..overreacting right..or maybe it's a dream.. all I knew right then that it hurt like hell.

"Kurogiri..what's happening?.." I spoke with a bit of terror in my voice.

Kurogiri thought for a moment, then spoke
"Im not sure. I can call the docter tomorrow. For now just don't use your quirk please."

I just nodded. No point in arguing..but what if Dabi saw I can't think about that right now. This is serious and a big problem. I just left his room, letting him get back to whatever he was doing and going into the kitchen, grabbing myself something to eat then just walking back to my room..I might have to isolate myself..just to be safe and so that way if I have a malfunction or anything like that nobody will get hurt..

Togas POV
Well. That's an interesting seen..tomura came out of Kurogiris room? Seemed like something important was going on or something since he usually says a good morning or at least a wave on the bad days. Plus he usually doesn't eat this early in the morning. And where is Dabi. I swore he was here not to long ago. I did hear screaming either last night or the night before so maybe they had an argument..I hope not. There was dust on the floor when I came out'll ask Dabi when he comes home.

Dabis POV
Why won't he just listen to me. It's so stupid and frustrating. He's the one that's making it a big deal! I'm the one that's actual working on getting stupid information about the hero's for tomura. Sigh the streets are busy at this time of day..

3rd POV
On Dabis end he's in an alleyway, watching people walk by almost completely lost in his thoughts. Back at the base toga waits for either Dabi to come home or tomura to come out of his room so she can figure out what the hell is going on between the two. Tomura is in his room just laying on his bed trying to go to sleep but the pain from his hand is making it difficult.

Kurogiris POV
Tomuras hand does bother me quit a isn't normal to see his quirk do that. It happened once when he was little but nothing more..I'll have to talk to master and docter about this.

Tomura POV
This really fucking sucks. It burns and itches but I can't scratch it. It's like a bug bite but 100 times worse the itchiness..hopefully it will be okay since I have to carry out a mission soon. One I've been wanted to do for awhile. But I have no idea if I can even do it now. Just hope..hope it will be okay..

500 words

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