1: Just want to rest

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(This is just fluff for the most part so just enjoy. This is an AU where the bee duo leave the smp lands to start a new life and raise a kid. But then somebody finds them. Read to find out who they were and what will happen next. EVERYTHING IS STRICTLY PLATONIC TO THOSE WHO DIDN'T READ THE DISC.!!)

*No trigger warnings yay*

Explosions lit up the distant sky as the two boys loaded their full satchels onto their horses. "How far do you think we'll need to go?"

Tubbo asked his hybrid friend. His voice shaking at the sound of TNT, reminding the small boy of his second life's end. "As far as we can. No less than a week's journey."

Ranboo replied, taking a moment after tightening his saddle to gaze at what used to be his home. His safe place where he could laugh with his friends. A place now reduced to flying debris as another bomb fell. He frowned at the fiery land, continuing to busy himself with loading the last of their supplies. They would not be taking any trinkets of sentimental importance as to completely leave behind this hell. The only exception being Tubbo's compass. "Your Tommy" inscribed into the metal resting on the boy's pocket as he thought of what happy times there used to be with his best friend. "Is that everything?"

The enderman asked , snapping Tubbo out of his dazed thinking as he looked up and nodded. The two friends took one last look at their once home before mounting their steeds and riding the opposite direction. Praying to never ride back. The whole night they spent riding away from the wars that had constantly caused them pain. No one daring to think of sleep until the thunder of the TNT had been any more than a whisper. By the next day they had managed to ride far enough to have not heard the bombs at all for a couple hours. The only noises being small animals and the grass being crushed as they rode onwards. Soon they found a stopping point for the horses to drink from a nearby river and decided to rest there for the time being. Ranboo insisting to take the first watch. His argument being since he was older he's already gotten more sleep than Tubbo so he'd be fine. Though being sleep deprived was the only reason neither realized how he was making no sense. Tubbo finally caved as he could barely keep his eyes open and was lead to a spot his friend had laid some blankets out. "Just sleep for now and then we'll get moving again. I'll catch up on sleep sometime tonight ok?"

The other only hummed, already drifting off as Ranboo gave a content sigh and sat beside him. Pulling out his sword and resting it next to him he took out a steak for his lunch, gazing at the pretty scenery and wondering how things could have ended differently had someone not done a certain thing, and how that would have played out in that new timeline.

After the sun had started to dip down, signaling the near end of the afternoon Ranboo decided to start moving again, wishing he could let Tubbo sleep more but also feeling uneasy. As if they had yet to go far enough to escape the claws of the smp that tried desperately to drag them back to their demise. Removing the last traces of them ever being there they continued to move north. Only having to stop as Ranboo started feeling raindrops. "Ah!"

He yelped, flinching his arm up and gazing at it to find the cause of the sting he just felt. Tubbo turned in his seat to gaze back at his half and half friend, stopping his horse and giving a confused but concerned stare. "What is it?"

Ranboo was about to answer when he felt it again on his other arm, looking around himself and finally looking up. He tensed at the sight of dark clouds hovering over the both of them and quickly hopped off his horse and lead it under a tree where he intended to sit under until the rain passed. Tubbo, finally understanding his buddy's strange behavior chuckled slightly and sat next to him, tying the horses to a low hanging tree branch. "Do not laugh at me."

Ranboo said in a miserable offended voice. This however only made Tubbo laugh more, "You know I'm starting to see the similarities with you and cats...."

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