8: Warmth

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(Hello again my beautiful geeks, freaks, weebs and other beans! This is exiled Tommy angst with main character death (Last cannon life go brrr) and just overall sad. Have fun yall!)

TW: suicide and suicidal thoughts, Dream being a puppet master :')

Tommy stood with a hurt expression as he stood on the beach, overlooking the ocean as the sun went down with a single tear falling down his cheek.

"They hate you." He heard those words over and over. Should he believe him? He was his friend right? No. Yes. No he hurt him. But he was the only one who cared to visit. Does he really care? No one cares. They hate Tommy. Everyone hates Tommy.

Like the once blue sky falls into darkness so did his thoughts, once bright and cheery now falling into a dark void. It was very dangerous, leaving such a damaged child alone in the dark even if the darkness wasn't what he feared. Dream had left awhile ago, saying he'd check on him again next week like it would be a time to look forward to. Tommy didn't know if looked forward to Dream's visits, though he didn't particularly dread them now. Then a not so nice thought came to mind, "What if I wasn't here when Dream visited?"

He mumbled, looking back at Logstedshire with gray eyes. He always had a habit of talking to himself when alone. He felt like he would turn out like Wilbur if he didn't, sad and insane. He shivered as a cold wind blew. "It's always cold now."

He said, slowly gazing back at the untouched cake and party decorations. His heart felt like it was closing in on itself as he did, more tears falling down his scarred face. Giving a shuddering exhale and running his hand through his unkept hair he made his way back to his camp, an attempt to ignore the ever proven fact no one seemed to care about annoying loud Tommy. Not like they should, who cares for the dead anyway. Ah yes death. That word had came across his mind a good many times. He chuckled bitterly at the thought of everyone's reactions if they knew how much he thought about it. In fact he was thinking about it right now as he laid in his stiff bed, a thin blanket not even covering his torso let alone the rest of his body. "What if I just died?"

He asked himself. "Would anyone even know? Would Dream laugh at my grave? Yeah he would do that. You're just a puppet to him Tommy remember? Just a stupid puppet."

He shivered again. "I hate the cold."

He muttered before drifting into the nightmares that haunted him.

When he awoke for the seventh time that night he was relieved to find the sun was coming up and peeking over the trees. Bringing the small blanket with him he stood outside for a bit to warm up when it revealed itself fully. But to his dismay the wind seemed to blow it all away with clouds, leaving the dull boy stuck in the cold. Sighing with disappointment he made his way to the nether, surely that place would be warm.


Flapping his wings Phil made his way to the main nether portal. He had recently came to the conclusion that he wanted to do the fatherly thing and visit his youngest son in exile, as per usual for parental figures to do. His skin stung at the sudden changes of temperature as he stood in the purple swirls, being pulled from the winter air and thrown into a place usually referred to as a second hell.

He hummed a simple tune as he landed to the deep red ground, pulling out a shield last second to guard from a fireball a grumpy ghast had thrown.

"Hello to you too. "
He remarked as he made his way to a bridge. Philza froze as he saw another person already standing there, gazing longingly into the lava with his shoes resting beside him. "H-Hey Toms. What are you doing here."

"Just thinking. "
The blonde responded, not bothering to look up from the molten rock.

"Why don't we go back to your place and have some tea hm?"
Phil coaxed, holding out his hand but like the other times Tommy's gaze didn't leave the lava. "It's cold."

He simply replied. Phil gave an exasperated sigh. "Well then we'll get some blankets."
Finally Tommy turned to face his father, who was startled by the sight. The boy looked broken in any and every way. "It's always cold Phil. No matter how many blankets I could get. No matter how many fires I could make. It's always cold."

The avian stiffened as he started to guess why his son was so close to the ledge. "Tommy... what are you really doing here? "

"Do you remember why Techno called me Theseus? You see our stories are very similar."
The blonde interjected, avoiding the question entirely and seemed to lean closer to the edge. Phil gasped and tried to stop him, but freezes as his eyes lock with his son's who's coldness seems to send a chill down his spine, gray and lifeless were the two things. He wondered how such a rambunctious child fell into the shell standing in from of him. "Tommy stop playing around."
Phil tried to sound stern but his nerves betrayed him with a shaky voice. "We were both the heroes Phil."
Tears welled up in the child's eyes. "We gave up everything. I gave my life for my people."

"I know. I know Tommy I'm sorry. If I could've changed their decision I would I promise you."
The tears that had been welling up finally started fall from both males' faces. "We were both hated Phil! Labeled a villain, a traitor by some twisted logic they were possessed with."

Tommy said, raising his voice louder than it had in awhile. Phil ached to move as he saw the other inch ever closer to the ledge and even a sneeze was strong enough to send him over to the afterlife. However he couldn't move. Tommy's eyes were still firmly locked with his. If he were to try and move down his son would go. This was checkmate. There was no winning this one. "And do you wanna know what I think we have the most in common with?"

He asked though no one dared to talk, leaving the lava bubbling under them as the only sound to fill the silence.

"No matter how hard we try to be accepted, to be the hero, to be just fucking loved.... "
Tommy paused to catch his breath, nearly about to breakdown right there.

"It was never meant to be. "

And with a true smile he gave a salute. Phil watched with wide glossy eyes as Wilbur and Tommy both shifted between each other in his mind before Tommy pushed himself off and sunk deep into the lava, not a regret in the world as he fell deeper, closing his eyes as he was enveloped in the heat.
Would be his last thought in this world.

"Tommyinnit tried swimming in lava"
Phil fell to his knees with a blood curdling scream of dispair. He didn't even bother looking over the edge when the world itself had told him there was no hope of his youngest surviving such a fall. Yet still he couldn't help but beg it to give him back by some miracle. All he wanted was for all of his sons to be happy again, fighting with play swords and drawing him pictures. He longed to hold them all in his arms again.

Philza Minecraft stayed on the ground that day, sobbing on his knees for hours.

Mourning the loss of another son.

Why they kept turning to this way to leave him he will never know.

When he finally got up again his eyes were puffy. Their color almost rivaling the material he stood on as he went back to the main portal.

As he stepped back into the snowy wonderland of the smp there was only one thing he thought of. Something he usually didn't mind or notice at all. It seemed to him that Tommy's absence must've been the reason for this thought. One that soon rang through the minds of all of the people of the land as they shivered. Two words.

'It's cold.'

(1410 words yay! Hope you liked it y'all. Go drink some water!)

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