4: Broken Diamonds

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(Hello my weebs, geeks, freaks and other beautiful beans. Yes I know I said I was gonna do a httyd x mcyt crossover next but I got more ideas for this oneshot and I'm still planning to do the crossover in the future if not right after this one. Everything in this is still strictly platonic cause I don't know Bbh's and Skeppy's feelings about being shipped and I honestly don't like it anyway. *No hate it's just my opinion* This is my version on how Bad and Skeppy met but also an AU as Skeppy was used for his diamond skin. Skeppy's appearance in this is more of a normal person with patches of diamond all over him that come out more when he's upset or scared as a defense mechanism. Enjoy the angst mah peeps)

TW: Abuse, panic attacks, describing kidnappings and captivity.

He was running.

He was running and he didn't plan to stop. Not yet. Not until that horrible old shack was out of his sights. The boy felt his heart race the more he ran away from the wretched place. Finally being able to breathe fresh air again. His wrists were bleeding with cuff indents very prominent on the boy's skin, who's name was Skeppy as far as he could remember. There was only one memory he had before the shack, and it reminded him of his current situation. He was wasn't much younger than he was now as no more than 3 years had passed between this moment and when he had been running around alone that fateful day in a game of tag. Looking back to see no one had been chasing him he laughed at his clever plan and decided the best idea to run farther away from everyone. Oh how wrong he was. Not seeing where he was going he ran into a forest and right into another male, who was wearing a bright green hoodie. Startled and now sitting on the ground he looked up to apologize to the strange man. But when his eyes landed on the man's plastic white mask he knew something wasn't right.  Skeppy stood up and went to run when he was jerked back by his blue hoodie. "Hey man let me go!"

He shouted, kicking his feet and trying to scratch the other's hand off while also trying to keep himself from being strangled as he was relentlessly dragged through the foliage, deeper into the dark forest like a nightmare. Skeppy blinked and he found himself frozen, standing where he figured he had started zoning out. His lungs felt like they were collapsing and his chest felt like someone was pressing down on him. His face felt hot but there was a chill running through his shaking body at the same time. He looked around to try and make sense of anything around him. He was in some type of forest, but not the same one the man with the smiley mask took him. This one was not dark as sun rays found their way to him quite easily. Gasping for air he kept walking straight and ended up in a small clearing near a cave before he finally fell to the ground, exhausted. 'No no no. Get up he'll find us. He'll find us! Get up get up get up!'

He shouted at himself, whimpering as he curled up in a tight ball and transformed into a single diamond, trying desperately to sort himself out in his mindscape state. A few miles away a certain tall boy was humming to himself. He had been bored all day a decided to take a walk. Overhearing someone say they saw Wilbur and Tommy going into the woods to "make drugs" however ruined his happy mood as he decided to go out and bust this operation. Tommy was only nine after all.

(I know I messed the lore up but shh it's an AU for a reason and yes c!Tommy was nine during the first L'Manburg war and I believe during the stuff leading up to that as well)

Though the hybrid, unbeknownst to him, was heading in the opposite direction of the two brothers' mischief. The boy stalked all through the small forest, anger waiting to be released in an anticipated scolding he planned to give Wilbur when he found them. Stopping for a breath near a cave he noticed something laying on the ground. A diamond to be precise. 'Someone must've dropped it.'

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