6: Mother Death

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(Hello my Weebs, Geeks, Freaks and other beautiful beans! This is my take on Wilbur's death and how Mumza reacted to that since she's the goddess of death. A little info. When she steps out of her small office she's immediately transferred to whosever limbo she's to lead them to. A train still arrives at each of them though so if the limbo was an endless desert for example a random train would still run by and stop to drop off the dead soul. Does that make sense? Well it's all the explanation your getting so read away smol beans.)

TW: General talk of death, Flashbacks, killing, blood

Phil held his son in his arms. His cold, dead son. How he ever convinced himself that murdering his own flesh and blood was ever an option he'll never know. Carefully he leaned the boy's body up against a wall and tearfully removed the sword from the now large gash in the other's chest. His curly brown hair covering his gently closed eyes. Heavy bags resting beneath them. Phil started to see how distressed his child actually looked. If only he had checked on him more. Some father he was. He heard footsteps running up to him, and a small gasp. "D-Dad."

Phil felt his heart drop as he recognized the blond boy's voice. He didn't want to face him so he simply kept his eyes fixed on the floor, watching little red rivers flow over pebbles.


A bell chimed thrice in the tiny office. The woman glanced up to it for a moment as if to acknowledge she had heard it's dainty voice. 'Another death.'

She thought solemnly as she returned her gaze to her book to finish the sentence she was reading, other books towering over her wooden chair. Finally she sighed and closed the book with a satisfying thump. Tossing it aside and grabbing her black cloak and hat to finish her look as the goddess of death, which she was. Do not misunderstand,she doesn't like guiding souls to their own personal hell. She especially didn't enjoy having to tell someone they were dead or see how young some of them were. See she was cursed to do this job when she died, so that one day she could go back to her family when her time of service was up. She shook her head in disappointment and sadness as she opened her office's door and walked out into an empty train station. "How fitting."

She muttered, as the souls always arrived on trains no matter what type of limbo she stepped into. As she waited next to the tracks for whomever had died to arrive she thought back to how strange it was the bell had rung more frequently lately. Though this was the first time it had rang three times, signifying how the person had lost their last life. She only was able to see those people. Anyone who only lost one would just ride the train right past her. It had been quite confusing when she first started out, but the more she read those books she had began to understand. They were after all instruction manuals. Finally she heard the train rushing down the tracks and squeal to a stop with the doors in front of her. She sighed once more and plastered on a warm smile as the doors slid open. Her smile was replaced by tears in an instant as she spotted a familiar yellow sweater, now drenched in scarlet and torn at the chest. "Wilbur?"

She asked shakily, hoping for some reason she was now able to dream again. "Hi mum."

The boy said, not meeting her eyes. If he had known she would have to see him in such a state he would've tried taking the harder route to freedom. A force pushed him out of the train, which swiftly departed after his presence had left the cold metal floors. He was pushed right into his mother's arms, the woman sobbing into his shoulder. "Why him? Please anyone but my son."

She begged to no one in particular. Wilbur returned the embrace, both knowing there was no taking back the decisions made. "I was supposed to come to you not the other way around."

She continued. "At this point mum I don't think you would want to come back."

She paused in her crying, pushing him back sternly and taking him by the shoulders. "What do you mean by that?"

Wilbur sighed, "Everything's gone to shit. And I'm pretty sure it's all my fault."

He said, starting to cry as well as he realized this fact. His mother shook her head. "Now what could you have possibly done that was so bad?"

Wilbur paused for a moment, half of him wanting to tell her and another half afraid she'd hate him if he did. Mumza took notice of his internal battle. "I won't be mad."

He looked up at her eyes, which surprisingly hadn't changed from the loving ones he remembered her having when he was a child. "Well, me and Tommy had started this nation right?"

He started, following his mother as she lead him farther into the train station and sat on the ground. "Dream didn't like that he wasn't in control so we fought in a war to earn it's freedom with a few other people who wanted to join."

His mother gasped at this. Tommy couldn't have been more than a child. And even if he had been a grown man she would've hated the idea just as much as she did now. "How many times did you two die?"

Wilbur paused again and clenched his fist. Tears threatening to spill down both their faces once again. "Will..."

"Two times I believe. I think I died only once but I don't really remember."

Mumza covered her mouth in shock, yet still had a small sense of pride when her oldest mentioned how brave Tommy had been and how they won because he sacrificed something important to him. During his story of what he could recall to have happened she went on a rollercoaster of sadness, horror, pride and disappointment. Her boys had all grown up, even if it hadn't been a physical change while doing so for some. Wilbur commented on how he wondered how his family was doing now. his mother nodded in agreement when she felt herself being drawn away. "Mum were are you going?"

She hated seeing the panic in his features. "It won't let me stay with you. I'm so sorry I'll try to visit when I can."

She said, started to sob once more. "What no mum stay with me! I don't like being alone please!"

He begged, though it was all in vain as she had already disappeared. Don't worry though she'll be back. She'll be back to that very train station again. But this time her gaze would land upon a bloody green bandanna.

(1172 words. Sorry it was short but I'd rather end it there than drag it out and ruin it lol.)

(Go drink some dang water)

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