9: Bamboo

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(Hello my weebs, geeks, freaks and other beautiful beans! This will be a Demon slayer AU with Tommy and Tubbo. I tried looking up their duo name but all it gave me was bench trio and Allium duo so I dub thee the orphan duo as both cannonly are orphans at this point lore wise. This was inspired by a pic I found in a different oneshot whom creator I have tagged.)

( PeganPenguin35)

TW: Passing out, injuries, scars, freezing, mild kidnapping, mentions of blood

The shivering boy trudged through the snow. The frosty material flying to and fro as his legs dragged through it with much struggle. Arms wrapped tightly around his torso he looked up into the distance, wishing for some sign he was near his brother's house

(Remember when I mentioned I call it orphan duo because of their family situations? Yeah well we only do sbi in this household so ignore the absence of logic in this TuT)

With a shuddering sigh passing his blue lips he kept marching, having not yet spotting the cabin where the infamous Technoblade resided. Tommy thought back to the cause of his journey. Dream had blown up Logstedshire as punishment for lying to him. "You lied to me! I thought we were friends!"

The dirtied blonde tried to push away the guilt he felt as he knew Dream wasn't really his friend. That he was just manipulating him. He regretted not bringing a blanket with him even if it was too thin to keep him warm to begin with. Finding his way into a familiar forest he felt relieved, knowing he was almost to a place where hopefully, he could sit by the fire for a few hours. A twig snapped behind him, the sharp sound making him whip around and summon his sword. The sword was a worn down one, made from what bits of iron he could scavenge up from the wreckage of his exile home. He knew he had to aim to kill and swing wisely as his own body wasn't exactly fit for a long fight. His now faded gray eyes scanned the foliage with a glare before it landed on two feet poking out from behind a bush. Tommy stalked over to it, sword gripped tightly in his trembling cold hands. He stepped in front of the small figure and in a flash he had it raised to kill his stalker. However when he brought the sword down the figure was gone, a small puddle of blood being left behind and causing Tommy's anger to dissipate and be replaced with a hint of concern. The boy turned as he noticed a puff of breath coming from behind them. There in front of him stood a thin boy with thick brown hair nearly covering his eyes which gazed through the strands with fear held in them. He wore a rosy and pearl checkered yukata with a black haori pulled tightly around him as he also kept his arms close to his chest, gripping onto it in attempt to keep the cold out. Though it wasn't working he seemed very protective of the fabric Tommy feared his sharp nails would rip through. Blood dripped down his face from a cut on his forehead, neither boy knowing how exactly it had got there. Tommy frowned at the sight of the poor thing being barefoot and to top it all was a piece of bamboo connected to red string, clamped in his mouth. Before Tommy could say anything to the stranger the other had already shuffled close to him and leaned into his body. Closing his eyes as if exhaustion was overtaking him, which it was as he hadn't slept properly for weeks. Tommy would've complained if it wasn't so cold but even if he wanted to object, his words would be too broken and inaudible from the severity of his chattering teeth. Knowing he and most likely the boy as well would not last much longer in this cold he grabbed the other's hand and lead them on out of the forest, giving the other his last bit of his steak but the boy refused with a shake of his head. Throughout their walk afterward the brunette kept glancing to the other, finally deciding he would like this battered boy to be his friend. Tommy cheered inside as the disappearing leaves revealed smoke drifting out of a small cabin's chimney, a horse resting in it's stable and a corral not to far away with dogs huddled close and looking quite warm in the furry pile. The duo nearly wanted to stop there and cuddle with the dogs but Tommy knew they needed medical help for his wounds and the short boy's injury. Only a few feet from the steps the blonde of the two started to slow down, eyes drooping dangerously close to being shut as black dots started to plague his vision. 'Not yet.'

He thought. 'Just a few more steps.'

He tried to push onward but when had his mind ever listened to what he wanted. The last thing he remembered was falling face first in the snow, tugging the boy down with him though he seemed to not care as his eyes were equally drooping shut and they were both emersed in darkness.

The dogs had been alerted the scuffle after they fell, leading them to bark furiously at the unknown intruders and jumping against their wooden fence. The barking caused Techno, who had fallen asleep reading, to awake and with an annoyed scowl open the door. "Oh my gosh!"

He exclaimed after finding his younger brother and a strange boy around the same age nearly freezing to death in the snow. Rushing down the stairs and picking them up he hurried back inside, glancing warily to his surroundings as he made his way up the stairs for anyone who might be watching him. Wars can leave you very paranoid. He set Tommy on his couch and the other in an armchair before adding more wood to the fire crackling in the stone fireplace. Now having a moment to take a good look at the blonde he felt the strange twinge of sympathy. His gaze hovering over the brother's many scars and fading bruises, more recent burns being the more noticeable and concerning of the injuries as everyone knew ice is the worst thing to do with burns, as evident by the peeling skin on Tommy's arms and his right ear. The pink haired warrior sighed and grabbed a healing pot, pouring the liquid onto the worst of the wounds and using normal treatment for the rest. Presently the brunette boy stirred and upon realizing he wasn't with his new acquaintance or out in the frigid snow he shot up in fear of who could've possibly taken them. Techno noticed the commotion just as the boy had noticed someone he deemed too close and unfamiliar to his friend, growling at him angrily. Techno put his hands up to show he meant no harm but the brunette only saw it as a threat, irises becoming thin lines. Before the tense boy could lunge at the older Tommy awoke and stood between them, putting a hand out to the other. "NO!"

He shouted. The stranger's eyes returned back to normal, flinching at the loud noise and shrinking back with an apologetic look in his eyes. The rest of the three relaxed at this and Tommy let his hand drop back down. His knees buckled from underneath him but his brother managed to catch him before he fully collapsed. The yukata wearing boy sprung back into a fighting position but again Tommy put a weak hand up. "I'm fine man chill."

He patted the blood god on his shoulder, "Friend."

Techno moved the now unconscious Tommy back onto the couch, resting himself back on the floor and looking over at the other boy who had been sitting on the armchair trying to stay awake. His muzzle laying out of his mouth and revealing sharp teeth that peeked out from under his top lip. "What's your name kid?"

The boy looked at him with tired eyes and shrugged, returning his gaze to the floor. "Hmm. Well, what about Toby?"

Techno suggested. The boy thought for a moment, "To-Tu-Tob- Tubbo."

He said, trying to say the name properly and failing horribly, much to the amusement of the pinkette. "Sure why not."

Tubbo soon fell asleep as well, his head resting on a pillow he found. Now with both children asleep Techno also let sleep take over. His eyes closed with a content smile he hadn't worn for awhile. Finally all three boys were able to sleep in peace for once. At least that would've been the case....

Had someone not been waiting for them to think so...

Someone who broke a window....

Someone who wrapped their arms around Tubbo's lazy form with intent to take him back where he had come from....

Someone they hoped no one would notice when they left the dimly lit home...

(1509 words pog! Drink some water children *throws water bottle*)

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