5: Sleepy Gogy

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(Two chapters in one week lets goo! Hello my weebs, geeks, freaks and other beautiful beans! This is based off a hc I have that the reason c!George is said to sleep a lot is because he's narcoleptic. Narcolepsy is when a person will fall asleep randomly and suddenly. They can't control when. Please point out if anything is inaccurate I'm simply basing this off of what I've discovered and observed from other sources, not personal experience. I had put Dream XD in this but he's just nice so don't worry. Anyway read away y'all)

TW:Passing out (If falling asleep abruptly counts as that), Yelling, wanting death, pills,

His eyes fluttered open, revealing his iconic icy blue and warm brown eyes. Though polar opposites people often said how his eyes complimented each other. He however, didn't really like his eyes and so quickly made his way to a chest and retrieved a pair of clout glasses. Sighing he threw on a semi clean blue shirt he was able to find and a pair of pants before being startled by a knock on his front door. "Gimme a second!"

He shouted to the unknown person behind a wooden door. Taking a quick glance at the mirror and fixing a piece of hair that was sticking out he opened the door to be met with a familiar group. "Good morning sleepy head."

Dream said from behind his smiley mask. Sapnap and Bad waved from behind him, which creeped George out a bit from how they did it in sync. "We're planning on doing another manhunt. Wanna join us?"

Georg thought for a second. Maybe he would be ok. Besides if he kept distancing like he had been if might raise suspicion. "Sure. Just give me a sec so I can grab some coffee."

He said, plastering on a smile to hide the subtle bags under his eyes. He hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. Too many nightmares. Too many things that loved to torment him from the safety of his own mind. Dream laughed, "I swear your addicted to that stuff."

He said jokingly. George wished his problem was a joke, a sick prank that would stop. He forced an awkward chuckle as he closed the door for a moment, side glancing the window to see the trio sit on the porch to wait for him. Making his coffee wasn't that hard. It was basically muscle memory by now, his movements so smooth it seemed like a weird dance. Taking a quick sip as he walked back to the door and letting the sunlight seep through as he opened it. The rest of them got up, Sapnap bouncing slightly in anticipation of the game and Dream fixing his mask, as he had accidentally bumped into a potted plant when he went to sit down. "Ok lets go to the starting place."

Dream said, starting to run farther away from the others. Bad soon catching up by growing more to his original hight, but not fully as to make it fair for the others, who were pathetically trying to keep up. George having to keep one hand pressed against his glasses to not let them fall and the other trying to make sure he didn't spill his coffee. Even if the lid was tightly secured on it as there was always that annoying chance it would pop off.

-Time-Skip- Brought to you by Tommy's disc's I may or may not have stolen-

The muffineers were currently in the Nether, Dream had towered up a few blocks which the others were either trying to break down, stack up high enough to get to his level (Which no one can achieve U-U) and in George's case, trying to shoot him off from a distance away. Dream turned his back to the hetiorchromic friend to pay more attention to Sapnap, who had managed to break the block he was standing on. Finally he had a clean shot. George pulled his arm back, resting the bottom of his palm close to his face and aimed. But before he could let the arrow fly he felt the energy he once held drain from him swiftly, like a vampire sucks out the blood of it's victims. At least that's how he usually described it. Deciding it be better to not fire the arrow at all than risk him missing ad hitting one of his teammates he slowly let the line between his fingers go slack and let his other arm lower the bow to the ground as he felt his knees buckle from under him. He was now sitting on his knees in a one block wide corner in a wall of nether rack he found. In the distance he could make out three blobs jumping around a reddish tower, two ganging up on the green one.

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