7: How to befriend an angel

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(Hewo. I've finally gotten around to doing the dang crossover I promised lol. This will have multiple parts so sorry in advance for how late the second part will probably come out 😅This is inspired by the vid above and will be more of putting characters in existing roles instead of them coming from one world to another.)

TW: talk of death,

Techno opened the shabby door to his temporary home away from home. The room was small and dusty but he didn't much care as he wouldn't be spending much time there. It wasn't a mystery that something terrifying had been spotted in the woods guarding the small country of Wastaken. From the moment he had stepped foot in a tavern not too far from the lodge he could sense something wasn't right. He started to wonder if the king was really exaggerating in his letter to him when he mentioned a horrid winged beast that had been killing anyone that got close to it's territory, minus the children who were always mysteriously returned home with only a few scratches and even then you could tell it was only made from brushing too close to some tree branches. Men were hunched over tables, various weapons leaning against the table legs and talking in gruff hushed tones. Women huddled in corners, gossiping over how some of their husbands had planned to take on the beast for fear their children would one day not be so fortunate as to return home. One day in particular while staying in the town less men sat at the table and seemed angry, saying how the king refused to let any of the citizens go out and hunt the creature after the last hunt resulted in the death of their friends. The women wept from their corner, now with their kids by their side and being gripped by the shoulders. Though Technoblade didn't particularly like the small beings he couldn't help but feel bad for how scared they seemed as they overheard how an angel of death had taken their fathers with it's sharp talons. Back at his rented room he started to stuff various items into a satchel. A few healing potions and bandages in case things got rough, a few steaks and a single golden apple lay with the rest as he slung it over his shoulder and started his trek into the dark foliage. The king of the country had written to him a week or so ago, saying he wanted to cash in that favor and get his friend to put an end to this angel of death. After staying awhile to learn more about his soon to be prey Techno felt confident he had found enough info. His scarred hand rested on the hilt of a shining silver sword, dragging along the grass and dirt as he climbed a steep hill. Once he came to the peak he smiled, gazing at his lovely contraption meant to shoot the creature down. The thing wasn't much, only meant to throw a large net at the beast. Techno had never been able to make anything more complicated than that. He was a fighter and a reader, not a mechanic, he had always said. The war lord had learned on the first day that it had a habit to be more active at night. Looking up at the sky his smile only grew bigger, watching the heavens turn a deep ombre of red and orange and a part of the sky already turning a magenta shade.


He sighed in the darkness, his patience growing thin as he sat under the stars. Finally he heard it. A shrill screech of an angry bird having it's space invaded. It seemed to know someone was there in it's forest, it just didn't know where. This made Techno think that it hadn't personally seen him but rather had some other thing come and tell it like a guard or spy. He watched the skies, waiting for the perfect time to strike as his red eyes followed a large shadow go up, up, up...He pulled a lever without hesitation and the thing cried out as the net launched and gripped onto its body, pulling it's wings together as he watched it go down, down, down into the trees.

"Yes." He whispered triumphantly, pumping his fist into the air with a quiet excitement. Just as he did he noticed the sky starting to turn back into a lighter shade of blue. Had he really been out there all night? He shrugged off the thought. So what if he did. The voices were enough to have kept him entertained while he waited for the beast so all was not necessarily lost as they weren't as hostile when he was hunting. They knew if they were too loud they wouldn't have their blood. Now however they were chanting again.




Over and over they said, thankfully not shouting too loud for him not to ignore just yet. He slid down the hill and started his journey farther into the forest. At some point he found a few downed trees with deep indents in the ground suggesting something heavy being dragged, or crashing in this scenario. Silent like a cat he followed the trail, jumping over a few boulders by the end and dropping down with a startling tumble as he hadn't expected the drop to be so far.

His eyes widened at the sight, having landed behind the thing he could only gape at the large black wings that sprouted from it's back, it's feet bent weirdly and tipped with blackened talons like a bird. From this angle it seemed to look like all the drawings and talk of the angel of death were true as it looked terrifying if Techno was to look at it from a normal mans standpoint, of course he wasn't as scared but he could still feel a chill run up his spine. Unsheathing his sword he started to walk around it to face it head on. The more he was able to get a look at the creature the more he became confused. Now he stood right in front of it. It looked nearly human if you were to ignore the feathered wings. His golden hair draped over his face like a curtain as he looked for a way to free himself, only succeeding in making his injuries worse than they already were. Techno snapped out of his daze and raised his arm that held the sword, aiming at the man's neck. The creature's head snapped up, deep blue eyes filled with a terrified anger stared straight into Technoblade's soul. Drifting over to the sword he held it seemed to have realized it's fate and Techno watched as the creature seemed to accept it, closing it's eyes with it's eyebrows furrowed, begging he just finished it quickly. In that moment The Blade felt a strange twinge in his heart. Did this deserve to die?


"Kill it!"





The voices shouted impatiently. Techno flinched, hand shaking his sword as they continued to yell at him. The bird man watched in confusion as his hunter seemed to fight with something, screwing his eyes tight and holding his head with his free hand. With a small gasp he steadied once more and looked back at the beast. It closed his eyes again, bracing himself he heard the man come closer. 'Snap.'

He froze, rope after rope loosening from around him. Finally he felt the last one go slack and whipped his wings fiercely outward, smacking the sword from Techno's hand and flinging him into the same boulders he climbed over just a few minutes ago. Now he felt like the hunted. Before he could even spot where his weapon had landed the creature already had it's sharp claws around his neck, slightly drawing blood as he was held too tight. He locked eyes with the thing and only saw a confused and scared man, his forehead bleeding and Techno wondered how bad his other wounds actually were. He reached his other hand closer to the other's face and he were sure his head was about to be ripped off by it. But to his surprise it only moved to push the hair to behind his ears, which he used to cover up a heavily guarded secret of his. It's gaze lingered, studying his small pointed pink ears that were in no way human, pressed against his head with the help of some tape. (Just pretend theres tape in this world ok -_-)

Finally it pulled away and flew off, thinking to himself why a fellow hybrid would ever willingly be of service to the humans who were nothing but cruel to them no matter how young they were or how harmless they could be. Techno's body shook and he fell to the mossy ground under him, quickly covering his ears with thick pink hair. Inhaling deeply to calm his nerves he started to think of excuses to make when he returned as he was neither dead nor coming back victorious. Though usually he would've just left without a word to the townspeople and leave them thinking he had just perished with the rest of the hunters sent there, he needed to get more medical materials for the bird man as he was certain his own would not be enough thinking back to how awkward one of the wings sat and how lopsided the man seemed to have been flying just then.

Techno had been treated with kindness by the man with him leaving him virtually unharmed besides the small cuts on his neck. And so he would repay that kindness ten fold. Even if it was the last thing he did.

(1541 words)

(Drink your water children! ~A child)

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