: Braids

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(Hello my weebs, geeks, freaks and other beautiful beans! It is currently 1:40 AM. I just watched a tiktok where Phil is braiding Techno's hair and now I have to write about that subject. Sorry for any errors lol)

(Edit. Hey guys. This is unfinished but I dont think I'll have the strength to do it any time soon. I miss him. He wasn't supposed to go man. He was sturdy. He was a rock for me to cling to and I never realized I was until he left. Technoblade never dies. This is all just one big prank)

The piglin rolled in his bed with a groan, the morning sunlight making stray pink hairs appear set ablaze. Blinking up at the ceiling he yawned, stretching his aching limbs until he heard them pop before going limp once more in the sheets.

The day before had been hot and he had been busy out in the garden swinging a hoe into the soft soil, the little thing flashing to a sword in his mind. The voices went rabid over the illusion making his mind work just as hard fighting their desperate cries for the battlefield as his arms worked pulling the stones from the earth.

Techno snapped out of his memories and sat up, noting in slight annoyance how his hair was loose from its lazy bindings and fluffing all over the place, tight knotted tangles of rosey colors spotted easily. With a grumble he grasped a lovely hairbrush Phil gifted him some time back. It was the man's favorite gift besides the axe Ranboo gave him, which was hanging on thin steel bars just beside his bedroom door.

The birds chirping outside could not lift Techno's spirits however. The piglin hated having to brush his hair even if every time he finished he wouldn't regret the pain. This pain was more annoying than hurtful, a needle like twinge going through your head was rather unenjoyable in his books. And he wrote a lot of books.

He pulled the brush mercilessly through the wavy locks, not caring about the frizziness or any other side effects. Just wanted to get it down and over with so he could move on to more useful tasks. At times the man would pull too hard and Techno would suppress a pained grunt, almost piglike in nature.

His dear friend must've heard the noises as the other soon heard a gentle knock on his door. Nome too hard nor too soft. Firm yet full of kindness that Techno knew could only be the one and only Philza Minecraft. Without looking up from his sight's fixed spot on the wall the man muttered, "Its unlocked."

Momentarily the blonde opened the door, frowning at the sorry state that was his hair. "Persephone herself would weep at the sight of your hair even the underworld would gain another sorrow."

"Feeling poetic today I take it."

The avian nodded, moving over to sit behind the pinkette, holding out his hand for the ivory brush. Reluctantly the war lord gives in and lets Phil have the brush. The other twirled it in his hand for a moment, humming a simple tune as he started to brush. Techno quite liked the melody and tried to stop himself from swaying. The notes felt like dew dripping from one leaf only for the drop to find another one under the first. The horrible cycle repeating over and over until everything becomes a blurry dream.

(Im finna fall alseep lol)

Despite his content feeling for the tune it soon went away, the brush returned into his worn hands. "Can I braid it?"

He heard from behind to which he nodded, looking out of the glass window, colored dots sticking to it as Phil couldn't see the difference between that and a hole to jump out of without them. Rolling hills went up to the horizon, completely covered in a blanket of snow that looked almost warm to be under.

Another tune soon found it's way to the man's pointed ears, which twitched in delight. Techno never understood what he liked so much about them. Maybe it was just another bird thing Phil could do, the ability to weave a song from the invisible threads of air to wake the people in the morning. As if the birds were politely nudging the sleepers saying, "Its time to get up. Go and make the day one where you return rich and gleeful in the treasures of all good. Awake, you lovely princes and mistresses of life."

Phil interlaced the thick pink hair with care, making sure he didn't pull at it. He never failed to be in awe of how his friend's hair managed to stay a bright pink no matter how much blood matted it. He supposed it helped that Techno hadn't fought in something so brutal in awhile. He could sense the ease of his mind, the lack of tension in his shoulders, and the fact he doesn't flick his eyes to any miniscule sound he catches. He was glad the man had loosened up a bit. It's good for people to relax now and again anyways.

Tying off the long salmon colored braid Phil smiled at his handiwork, not noticing he was still singing quiet songs. Technoblade noticed the other had stopped and looked behind to find a comfortable braid. He looked up at Phil and managed a small smile.

"Thanks Phil."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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