3:What the hell kid

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(Hewo My geeks,weebs, freaks and other beautiful beans <3! I decided to do an actual intro today so here it is! Hope y'all are doing well and having a nice day. If any of y'all have been having a bad day then screw you negativity! Anyways I'm writing this partially because I commented about doing so and someone said they wanted to read it but also cause BigBroBlade. This is an Au where Techno had slain the enderdragon, freeing the villagers and baby Ranboo follows him to the overworld. Prolly gon be angsty and fluffy cause we have yet another sadboo so enjoy. Also this story was inspired by the drawing I made above.)

TW: implied hearing voices, implied child neglect and harm, passing out (only one line)

With one final swipe of his sword, the Enderdragon was gone. The piglin huffed,letting his weapon slip through his hand and clatter onto the pale yellow ground. This was the toughest enderdragon he had slain so far. It took him nearly a full hour to defeat the thing, but at least the voices got their death for the day. Deciding he had earned some much needed RnR he got back up and sheathed the enchanted sword back in it's leather fold attached to his hip. If you haven't guessed already, the person we have been watching was named Technoblade. Techno for short. By now he had already started to walk around a bit, admiring the tall obsidian towers he had recently shot at, a couple arrows sticking out the side where he had missed. Suddenly he saw something small dart behind one of the other towers from his peripheral vision. He draw his sword without hesitation as he quietly made his way to the tower where he saw the small figure hide. Pausing for a moment near the corner of where the stranger had been to listen, a sneeze was all The Blade needed to know the person was still there. He swiftly turned the corner, kicked their feet from under them and pointing his purplish sword at their neck. The smaller put his arms up to the intimidating figure, signaling his surrender. Not like he could've fought him if he wanted to, after all he was only 5. Techno froze as he saw the fear in the child's wide heterochromic christmas colored eyes. Removing his sword from the shaking figure and kneeling down to help him up. "Why the hell are you out here kid?"

The older said, almost sounding as if he was scolding the boy when in reality he was just slightly concerned. The boy flinched at the harsh tone and started to tear up, some falling and making a sizzling sound as the enderman winced. Techno was taken aback at the sight but quickly composed himself, pulling down his sleeve a little and drying the others face which he gratefully accepted. "I j-just wanted to see what was happening. A-and you looked so cool so I stayed."

The boy finally replied, looking down in embarrassment. Suddenly the child's arm was jerked upwards, causing both males to look up and see a very angry enderman holding him. It's gaze locked on the hybrid, warbling something harshly and causing the other to warble back, seemingly saying sorry. That however didn't seem to calm the older enderman as they started to walk off, dragging the other behind them. Techno stood up in concern as he watched the half and half boy struggle to keep up. After a moment or two the pair had vanished,presumably caused by the eldest teleporting them so the piglin was unable to follow. Now not seeing the point of standing there waiting for something to happen Techno gathered any leftover materials he had dropped and thinking he had everything, returned back to spawn. 

(Ok so this is a little weird since you can't kill the enderdragon on the Dream smp but let's just pretend it respawns every few years so Dream allows them to kill it.)

Techno made hasty work to sneak out of the main smp and into the snowy biomes that surrounded his home. Not wanting to draw attention from those who just couldn't help but want to kill him on sight. Yes, he could drop kick them like they a mere child but for the sake of plot he decided it was better to just lay low. Halfway through his trip home he sensed another person behind him, noting also that there was a small sound of footsteps, crunching snow behind him. He paused for a moment before swinging around to catch who had been following him, only to be met with bright white snow and tiny footprints that trailed behind his own. 'An invisibility potion then.'
He thought, side glancing his surroundings as he continued to walk home, the wooden structure a seemingly tiny spec in the distance of biting cold. He trudged along faster as he noticed the snow seeping through his boots, not wanting to catch cold when he noticed a familiar hissing sound from behind him. He stopped walking but decided not to turn around so the young hybrid wouldn't run away again, "Do you want me to carry you? "
He said in his usual monotone voice. The child froze and gazed up at the man with wide eyes,'He noticed me?! "
The enderman's thoughts were interrupted as more snow melted on his skin, causing him to wince again and hastily shuffle in front of the pink haired piglin, holding up his arms so the other could pick him up. Techno quirked an eyebrow in amusement at the smaller's attempt to follow the man all the way to the overworld without being noticed for some time. He picked up the shivering boy and patting his head as they both continued walking, "I-I'm Ranboo by the w-way. "
Ranboo stated in the other's arms, whom was currently hoping the boy's lightness was just an enderman thing. "I'm Technoblade but you can call me Techno."
Ranboo nodded against Tech's shoulder,his eyes slowly closing as his body gave into the days without proper food or sleep. "You good bud?"

Techno asked, a hint of concern in his voice as he felt the body in his arms go limp. This new development caused the piglin to speed his steps even more, praying the small boy could hold out until then. 'I swear if this kid dies on me I'll kill him.'

The blade thought as he finally threw open the door to his quiet cabin abode, laying Ranboo down to rest on the couch and throwing a blanket on his thin shivering form. Swiftly the older sat next to him and whipped out his communicator, knowing he had no idea how to take care of a child. 'I need your help. Come over ASAP it's urgent.'

'Ok sure I'm on my way. What happened'

'I'll explain when you get here just hurry I don't know how to take care of this kid'

'Wait kid?!'

Techno didn't respond, opting to throw the translucent tablet thing to the side as the other stirred. "Hey bud we doing ok?"

The pinkette inwardly cringed at the softness his voice held, never guessing he could ever sound like this. Ranboo sat up slightly, resting his weight on his elbows as he looked around with half lidded eyes. His gaze finally resting on Technoblade as he nodded with a faint smile. "Tired."

He mumbled. Now knowing the kid was ok Techno quickly put on his usual facade and nodded, "Good. You scared the crap outta me ya' know that."

He said in a faux annoying tone. Ranboo lowered his gaze at this and nodded again. "Sorry. I'll try to not do that again."

"Why did you follow me to begin with...Ranboo was it?"

Again the younger nodded and pulled out a small emerald from his inventory. "You forgot this."

He said, holding it up on the small earring chain that suspended it in the air, making the jewel seem to glow with the help of a fireplace's light nearby. Techno's eyes widened but softened a moment later. It had been for one of his brothers, but that was before they turned their back on him. He took the hand holding the earring, turning it upside down so it would lay in his palm before closing the younger's hand in his own. "Keep it."

He smiled, though to Ranboo it looked more threatening than soft. Suddenly the door flung open and there stood a winged man, seemingly out of breath and almost covered in snow. "What happened?!"

He shouted, not yet noticing the half and half hybrid sitting under a blanket way to big for him. Techno gave a more amused smile at the sight of his father all worried, some of his feathers puffed out to express his nervousness. The pignlin nodded towards a tense Ranboo, who had been startled but the abrupt entrance. Giving a shy wave to the avian as his sights landed on the small boy, returning an equally awkward wave. "Techno....explain."

The blonde demanded, though his voice was still shaking from his previous fear that some kid was bleeding out or injured in some way to make Technoblade of all people concerned and in want of outside help. The Blade simple chuckled.

(Yup y'all already know Im doing a part two. Also next I'll most likely be doing a Httyd x Dsmp because there's not enough of those and I can never search A03 properly to see if they have some too so if y'all can help me with that it would be most appreciated. Drink some water, love you all <3)

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