2: Dance of a hurting boy

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(This was inspired by the video above!  This is not my original idea and credit goes to the creator! Their videos are awesome and I highly recommend watching their vids. There is sadboo in this chapter so buckle up)

TW: Death of a family member/depressing and suicidal thoughts/ SH/

-If you feel uncomfortable with these topics then I suggest reading something else as I don't want any of you reading something you know will hurt you 😊-

Ranboo sat on his bed. His phone in his hands and his eyes glossed over, gazing at a wall. He had just hung up with his mother's doctor who had told him she died the night before in her sleep. He had lost the only family he had. In other words he was now completely alone. He would've cried had water not been known to burn him. So not only was he alone but he wasn't able to express how he felt. But then again he wasn't even sure he felt anything at all.

How dare you not feel bad for your mother.
Your so worthless.
Your a bad son for not visiting her more.
But I had school.
Your horrible for caring about school more than your mother
How dare you.

Ranboo whimpered and covered his head. Finally deciding to just let the tears fall, new scars immediately starting to take form.

You should punish yourself.
Yes you should.
You deserve it.
Do it.
You know you want to.
A monster like you deserves it.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it!

The hybrid lessened the grip on his hair, letting his arms drop in his lap for a second as he heard the voice chant those words in his head. Finally he got up in a daze, making his way to the bathroom and opening a hidden drawer under the sink.

Punish yourself you monster!

He grabbed the blade resting in the otherwise empty box and sat on the floor. Rolling up his sleeves to see old scars overlapped by newer and newer scars from the past couple years his mother was in the hospital. His gaze looked over the sight numbly before he set the blade into his white arm and pushed down. Lifting it up after making a thin red line and moving the blade a tad bit lower, starting again and doing that action over and over until he ran out of space. Then taking his black arm he did a few more on that side before realizing how lightheaded he was feeling. Stumbling back up to the sink and rinsing off the blood that nearly covered his right arm. Wrapping it up hastily before he collapsed on the floor.

For the majority of the day he lay there, unmoving. After opening his eyes the only reaction he gave was rubbing his head where it had made contact with the tiled floor and wincing at the ache his body had from laying there for so long. Then he simply got up, dusted himself off and looked at the time, which happened to be 30 minutes before the last of his lessons was to end. He shrugged as he wasn't allowed in class at the moment anyway and simply sat down on his hone for awhile. By the time the sun had went down he grew restless and in need of a walk so he grabbed his ID lanyard and slipped on some casual shoes (which happened to be some old dancing shoes) and strolled down to the auditorium. He lived on the second floor of a large building, It needed to be so large because the majority of the floor underneath was a wide and spacious auditorium, complete with a big wooden floor stage with one light always illuminating it. He stopped at the steps leading up to the stage, 'I was never good enough to dance up here'

He thought, pausing before he could climb up the sleek auburn planks, his feet planted at it's base.


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