10:Just Want To Rest pt2

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(Hello my weebs, geeks, freaks and other beautiful beans! This is part two of Just want to rest as you can see by the title. Just fluffy sbi interacting with Jemma but also setting up the third and maybe last if not second to last part for this series. Again Tubbo and Ranboo are PLATONICALLY married in this. I don't care if Ranboo is 18 now I haven't heard about him changing his status about his feelings toward being shipped romantically and so shall respect his request on only using this dynamic platonically thank you.)

TW: brief mention SH scars, vague talk of depression/suicidal thoughts

Jemma smiled as her pointed ears caught the pattering of horse hooves riding toward the small home. Waiting in anticipation for the relative's visit she squealed and hopped off of the window seat she had been resting on. Before the piglin even had a chance to dismount from Carl his beloved steed, the young avian threw open the door and ran down the steps. "Sir Techie!"

She cheered excitedly, "Ah my little princess." He replied, playing along. She laughed as the man picked her up and spun her around, making her rosy pink dress flutter in the wind. "And where might be the princess' parents?"

He inquired. "Oh they had to go on a food run farther into the woods again."

She said matter of factly as The Blade set her back onto the ground, not catching his brief frown. Food was becoming more and more scarce recently and Techno was starting to worry on where they were to find food if this kept going on. "Uncle Techie!"

The child called, snapping the other from his thoughts. He looked at her quizzically. "Yeah?"

She huffed. "You weren't listening."

She said angrily, crossing her arms to show how upset she was. This wasn't the first time Techno had spaced out while watching her, though it was the first time he spaced out without the reason being arguing with the voices. "Ah sorry. What were you saying?"

He said. He had become used to acting softer without the threat of betrayal or wars looming over his head. "I said I needed help with the homework dad gave to me."


He hoped it was on the subject he thought it was. "Yeah so can you help me with my greek history?"

She asked. Technoblade suppressed a grin and nodded. "I suppose I have some time."

She clapped happily at this and started dragging him inside by his sleeve though he was just as eager to show his knowledge on the subject. Jemma lead him to a small and warmly lit study room. Lanterns hung from the ceiling just above a little desk with an equally little chair which the girl fit in perfectly. The chair was a gift from Phil, which was obvious as he was the only one who knew how to construct chairs that were comfortable to sit in with wings, which Jemma and her parents were most grateful for. If you looked closely you could see flowers and other plants he had discovered on his travels engraved in the wooden thing. Bookshelves stood high on either side of the desk which in Techno's opinion made the corner seem quite crowded even if the rest of the room was spacious enough to sprawl out on the floor. Jemma didn't seem to mind so he didn't bother mentioning it. The little avian fluttered her cocoa colored wings, not enough to take her soaring as she was still in desperate need of practice for that, but just enough to lift her to a higher bookshelf and soon retrieved a thick leather book. Techno was even more happy the book was labeled "Greek mythology", but his face didn't give anything away.

Jemma quietly flipped through the pages until she came to the story of Theseus, holding it up for him to see an illustration of the warrior slaying a minotaur with a stoic expression. Techno chuckled under his breath, "This is a story I feel Uncle Tommy could also help you with."

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