10: Human

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(Hello my weebs, geeks, freaks and other beautiful beans! This AU is one I really liked the idea of. Basically it's if Ghostbur became a human (but there's a twist). Anyways I hope you guys like this :)))

Dream stood in an empty cell. The warden no where to be seen, the lava down and bridge awaiting his command to return. The man's gaze swept over the small space. The glowstone lighting it up in the corner, chest and writing stand dusty and unused below it. He tried his best to push down the unwanted memories that came with being down here, gripping a book in his shaking hand. Dream had a reason to be in this horrid place besides being nostalgic. He had read a certain book in the library just that morning, a book telling him if he wanted to summon XD he should first try it in a place the being has already appeared. Opening the small leather bound book Dream smiled. He only needed to write his name and the god would appear. You see when you write a living person's name in the revival book the magic is unsure about what to do and so brings Dream XD to handle the problem. XD would tell you this action is rather annoying. Especially when he is busy running the rest of the world and spending time with one human in particular. Lifting up the inked pen Dream waited, gazing at his messy handwriting that lay within the pages until the entity appeared in front of him. His eyes were bandaged in a crisscross pattern like an X, pale scars peeking out from underneath the cloth and Dream wondered what terrible thing could've hurt XD in such a way. His elvish like ears twitched as he awaited the man to speak. "I assume you called me on purpose this time."

XD started, encouraging the once prisoner to speak with a hint of annoyance in his tone. The man shivered as a chill ran down his spine, clearing his throat awkwardly in the presence of the being. "I want to use my wish. I never agreed to the last one so I reason that it was Techno's wish he used, not mine. It would only be right I get a wish for me to use other than a stupid bell."

He spoke, glaring at the bell the stood lonely behind them, tainted gold and chipping wood barely lit in it's place in the corner. The entity cocked his head to the side in intrigue. Like a curious child with a bug, easily able to squash it yet too enthralled with seeing what it could do if they let it be. "What is it you desire to use this wish on?"

"I want Ghostbur to come back..."

He started, cautious to continue. "As a human."

XD's erie smile fell into a frown and Dream felt his chance slipping away. "You can add whatever conditions you want. I just need him to human. Curse him for all I care, just not to the point he can't live a sustainable life."

With this the being hummed, thinking to himself. Dream stood tense for his response. "Why?"

He asked and with that Dream suppressed a smirk. "Because Tommy was awful desperate to save him last time. You could say he'd do anything to keep him safe. But Wilbur seems to hate his phantom counterpart. Ghostbur could serve as my unknowing pawn, leverage without those stupid discs and easily can cause chaos between the two brothers."

XD was a sucker for watching chaos. Dream knew this well and was happy to see his erie smile return. "I will grant your wish. But the condition is long and you must remember it well for him to survive."

The male nodded eagerly. "He is not to be within short range of his living self for fear he find out about this entire thing, this action if left alone could cause a rip in reality thats a nuisance to fix. I have set flower buds in his lungs that will bloom as a warning to him whenever Wilbur is too close. They shall never become fatal unless the man finds out the ghost now walks among them as a human as removing one of the two is the only way to prevent the before mentioned problem. Is this made clear."


Dream accepted. With this confirmation XD opened his hands where a ball of light momentarily appeared in between them. The orb slowly grew in brightness and size, causing the blonde to cover his eyes before he was blinded. XD didn't mind the light and let it envelop the whole room. With a sharp snapping sound the light was gone, leaving Dream's ears ringing for a few seconds. As he opened his eyes he found XD knelt down next to a body on the floor, the white silken tunic that lay under a green cloak getting dirtied easily just by brushing up against the ground and Dream cringed at the moment XD would find it. He hoped there was some cosmic stain remover back wherever he lived. However his worries were drowned out by the realization of who laid beside him. He knelt down next to the unmoving boy as well and started noting his features.

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