Farewell Ranboo

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This isn't a chapter. This is just my feelings on the recent lore streams so for anyone who hasn't found out yet, spoilers ahead.

First of all wtf Sam. I understand he was scared that Dream was escaping but REALLY?! RANBOO? YOU JUST HAD TO CHOSE HIM?

Secondly I feel really bad for Techno and Tubbo. Tubbo has no one in that big house anymore. Eret took Michael to protect him so he has no one left. I'm hoping Tommy comes to comfort his best friend and they can grow closer again, but not to the point where when Ranboo comes back he's left alone. Honestly I think this will be the most important death in smp history as he was friends with pretty much everyone. Maybe this will bring them all together to avenge and bring the Enderboy back.

Oh I also have a theory because I can't help but want to defend everyone no matter what they did

(minus Dream cause he's done too much to be able to have someone to defend him, tho I do feel a tiny bit of sympathy for him when I found out Quackity was hurting him)

So my theory is that Ranboo's not actually dead but faked his death. Y'all remember in Ranboo's stream when he went to Sam and asked him to lock him up? And he said he wouldn't unless he had a good enough reason. I forgot if they did or not but if they didn't give a reason as to why he was being put in prison it goes against what Sam had told Ranboo. Maybe Ranboo had gone to Sam secretly and told him all about the voice and everything and how he suspected it was Dream's doing and not a random voice like Techno's. So to test that theory Sam agreed to "lock him up" to see if the voice got stronger when closer to dream, using the cell to contain Ranboo if he started enderwalking as well. What they didn't expect was Techno deciding to scout out the place "just for fun" as he said. So when he saw his innocent friend being taken he had to act and we all know how it escalated. Well Ranboo quickly whispered to Sam saying to pretend to kill him and he'll teleport while dropping all of his things to make it seem like he died. Sam did and successfully convinced everyone Ranboo was dead. Now this theory has a few flaws but shush and let me have this.

I would've addressed Slime's death as well but I didn't really get into the lore for that character and it wouldn't do him justice for someone who hadn't been attached to him to talk about it.

Drink some water! Hope y'all have a good day and love youuu <3

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