💗🎸"You're safe, Darling.."💜🩹 (Ibuki + Mikan)

663 10 3

Carer: Ibuki Mioda!

Regressor: Mikan Tsumiki (give this girl a hug)

TW: Anxious bby, anxiety attack.

They do have an established romantic and CglRe relationship in this chapter, but no romantic advances are made while the other is regressed cuz that's nasty! 

I honestly am very uncomfy with this ship now and I'm contemplating removing thisor rewriting it with someone else sooo read while you can?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mikan laid on her bed starfish position staring at the ceiling, sometimes taking a second to glance at the Medical anotomy posters strewn about the wall, along with her calender that was filled to the brim with things she had yet to do. She put her hand on her chest, feeling her heart screaming inside. Mikan's head felt like it was about to explode from all the stress of life lately. All of her thoughts collided together like bumper cars, bouncing off of one another just to crash into something else.

 Her thoughts were interuptted when she heard knocking coming from the other side of her door. Mikan quickly sat up; tears glistening in the lamplight threatening to fall from her eyes.

".. C-come in.." Mikan squeaked. "What was that, starcharm? I can't hear you when you mumble. You gotta be llloUUUD!" It was Ibuki Mioda behind that door. The only true friend (and lover) she had ever had. No one cared for her in the whole and pure way Ibuki did.

 She  was the one who taught her what real love was like..

"-I s-SAID C-COME IN!!" She loudly spat as she shot up, rushing to wipe her tears with her pale blue pajama sleeves.

The door opened with Ibuki entering shortly after. She calmly made her way to Mikan, sitting down on the springy mattress beside her. 

"Oh no, my baby! Can I touch you, sweety-pie?" Ibuki requested, worry laced in her still energetic voice. 

Mikan nodded while extending her arms out to Ibuki. Ibuki squeezed her firmly, carefully rubbing circles into her back with one of her hands. Mikan practically melted into her touch, softly sobbing onto the musician's shoulder.

Ibuki felt Mikan shift uncomfortably. She lifted her face up with her free hand, wiping away the tears cascading down her face. "Are you hot, or is the light too bright?" Ibuki asked, care embedded into her voice like soft wool woven together.

 "Hot.." Mikan whined, pullng herself away from Ibuki.

"Okay Miki-mi, let's get you into some cooler clothes!" Ibuki sat up and skipped over to Mikan's dresser. 

"What'cha wanna wear, starcharm?" Ibuki asked whilst opening Mikan's top drawer to retreive Mikan's favorite pacifier. It was plain white, but it was slightly worn from how much she used it. 

Mikan looked down, "Can y-you choose, p'ease?"

 "Oh course, my little love spell!" Ibuki hummed as she searched through Mikan's Pajama drawer. 

"Oooh! You have this really pretty nightgown, you wanna wear this?" She held a china blue  short-sleeved nightgown with pale yellow stars and a white moon embroidered into it.

"Yah!" Mikan chirped, a small smile growing onto her pale face. Ibuki handed Mikan the clothing and pacifier.

"Do ya want help putting it on?" 

"N-no thank yoo," She reponded. "But d-don't look p'ease!.." Mikan hid her face in the wadded up nightgown.

"I won't, sweet tart!" Ibuki reassured her little one as she spun around, now facing the wall as her Mikan changed, or at least tried to.

 "I'm s-sorry but I *hic* I c-can't d-do it.. I-it won't fit awound my *sniff* head.. I'm s-s-such a *hic* failuwe!" Mikan crumbled to the ground as the waterworks began exploding out of her eyes once again.

"Oh, babes! You aren't a failure, You just gotta unbutton the front two buttons, then it'll fit around your cute lil' head!" Ibuki encourgaged the best she could while looking at the wall. She heard some snaps coming undone, then the rustling of fabric. 

"I-I did it, buki!" Mikan ran up behind Ibuki and squeezed her tightly

"Good job, babycakes!" Ibuki congratulated as she patted Mikan head.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~679 words

I just wanted to say THANK YOU FOR almost 200 READS!! I'm practically floating inzjnkjcbh jhbn b eeeee *system meltdown*

And as an early celebratory gift, I'm posting two oneshots today!

 Expect it in a few hours, I'd say!

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