💜🎲A Matter of Pride💗🎹 (Kokichi + Keade)

673 13 7

Regressor: Kokichi Ouma

Carer: Keade Akamatsu

Why ship Saiouma or Saimastu when u can ship Oumatsu /j

!This is a hurt/comfort oneshot,  so potential TW for negative thoughts, crying, and a tad bit of swearing(it's like two but still)! 


Some powerful leaders are controversial. Those leaders get lots of backlash for what they do, but you never see them break down and cry on national television. It is unprofessional to cry on the job, and when eyes are always on you, you're never "off the job."

This is the fate of Kokichi Ouma. The Ultimate Supreme Leader, but he is never taken seriously due to his constant lying and not-so intimidating appearance. It's hard to do your job when everyone laughs at you and pats your head when you try to put them in their place. But it's fine, he doesn't need other peoples' approval anyway, cause they will obey him whether they like it or not.

But, you don't hold that power when no one will obey you in the first place.

It feels like he's screaming into a wall, but he can't show that's how he feels. It's a sign a weakness in the world, but that's just how it is. The stronger tear down the weaker, and if you aren't naturally "strong", you have to work twice as hard to earn their respect some other way.

Obviously, this puts a lot of strain on Kokichi's shoulders. Because of all the lies he tells, nobody truly trusts him, therefore he can't trust anyone. Having no one to vent all these emotions to also weighs down on him. He's at his breaking point, but as long as he pushes these emotions down and keeps going, he should turn out fine..

"Kokichi? Are you okay? You're crying." He hears a familiar voice hum. Keade always sounded like sweet honey was laced into her words. He shot up to look at her, her warm smile felt like the sun finally showing up after a cloudy afternoon. She grabs a napkin from the lunch tray beside him and wipes the dried tears from his pale face. Shit, he didn't even realize he was crying. Is he really that lame?  He just went on a tangent about how this isn't supposed to happen, And look at him now, sobbing like a bitch in the lunchroom. 

Why does he keep making a fool out himself like this..?

"I'm finnnneee, Keagay, now please stop babying me like this!" He pouts, causing the taller to give a worried sigh, her smile still tugging on the corners of her glossy lips.

"Alright, if you say so. You're always welcome into my dorm if you change your mind." She ruffled his dark unruly hair before turning made her way back to her dorm room with a pep in her step. Kokichi could feel the pit in his stomach grow heavier and heavier as he went back to picking at the cold food slopped on his lunch tray. A part of him never wanted Keade to leave, but had already embarrassed himself enough to the point where he shooed her off for the sake of his dwindling pride. 

And he thought he couldn't get any more pathetic.

Kokichi stood up with his lunch tray and slumped what was left into the nearest garbage bin before setting it down on the pile of dirty trays and making his way out of the cafeteria. As soon as he thought he was out of sight of any passing students, he bolted through the empty corridors and into the dorm building. He reached to knock on the dark wood that made up the strong door, but it swung open before he could even lay a finger on it. Standing behind it  was Keade, with a sympathetic smile extending from ear to ear. No matter how many times things like this happened, her honey-soaked gaze always accepted him like it was the first time.

"Oh, baby. Come on in, I'll take care of you." Her soothing words played like a melody in his head in a way Kokichi couldn't quite describe. It felt like a hazy sunset, with the purples and yellows and pinks melted into each other to create a wonderful harmony that he craved oh so much.  Make sense for the Ultimate Pianist. Keade held onto his frail shaking hand as she guided him to her bed, which had an opened plastic bin and some of its contents spread onto the pale purple sheets.

"I was expecting you to come over sometime judging from your mood earlier, but as you can tell, I haven't finished." She gave a nervous chuckle that fluttered its way into Kokichi's rapidly-beating heart and carried all his worries away. The familiar tug of regression made itself known in his mind, and with a sigh, he slipped away into the fluffy, candy-woven warmth that never failed to put a giddy smile on his tired face. He didn't understand why he refused to come with Keade earlier when she would chase all his problems away and make him the best blue vanilla milk, as she called it. It was his favorite drink in littlespace; its slight cotton candy taste always comforted him in or out of his headspace. Whenever he smelled the familiar aroma, he always came running like a a cat when their owner shakes a bag of Tempations.

 Kokichi crawled his way into the pianist's lap and buried himself into her chest. She was just so soft and squishy, it was like hugging a stuffie but waay better, since she cuddled back, running a hand through his slightly gelled and greasy hair.

"Hmm, there's my boy. You want something to drink?" Keade hummed softly into his ear, a small smile beginning to form on his tear-stained face. Kokichi perked up slightly, the sunshine that peaked through Keade's curtains glossing his deep twilight purple eyes. "Blu 'nilla?" The little one chirped, receiving a nod and a pat on the head from Keade before she pulled him off of her and set off to go make his beverage. "Now I won't be gone long, so you stay right here and keep your goofy little tush out of trouble." She gently ordered, causing a fit of giggles from the happily  squirming babe.

"Mmmm, finne.."

"Alright then! Bye-bye my little troublemaker."

"Bye-bye Kay-day! P'ease be safe!"

"Aw, don't worry, I will."


1145 words

Woah, I did it. Like woah😳

 I haven't written anything in SO long, so I made sure this one was nice and fluffy for you guys, and no, Kokichi totally didn't suddenly become a comfort out of nowhere while I was making this, not at all! 

I'm thinking of starting a Cookie Run series just like this one, where you can request and stuff, and since I'm now hyperfixated on Cookie Run, I'll be working on that a lot more. I'm still keeping this book running, just updates will be quite a bit slower^^

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