❤✨Baby Date💛🎨 (Himiko + Angie)

415 7 2

Regressors: Angie Yonaga and Himiko Yumeno

*insert something funny here*

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Angie!" Himiko called out. 

Angie dropped her things and ran to hug her. It had been so long since they had a playdate together, and they brought many things to do in Angie's dorm. Himiko brought movies and dolls, and Angie had coloring books and snacks. Since Kirumi wasn't there to watch them, they could eat all the Oreos they want! 

"Angie, Angie! Look! I bwought Coco!" Kimiko held the movie "Coco" out of her mini backpack for Angie to see. "Nyahaha, I wove Coco!" Angie clapped her hands together, her bracelets clanking together.

"Ah! I got new shiny paints, so we can paint the mini canvases I got!" Angie waddled to her art drawer and retreived the metallic paints, along with the 3 pack of mini canvases; both still in their plastic packaging.

"See! Atua will love our gifts to him!" Angie rejoiced. She sat the paints down on the blanket she rolled out on the floor. "Come sit! I got The Game of Wife weady for us!" Himiko plopped down next to Angie and took the little green car she was given. 

"Now do you want to be a boy or a girl?" Angie asked as she took a pink peg from the pile of pegs. "Well I'm a girl, so I wanna be a girl." Himiko held her hand out for a tiny pink peg to be dropped in her palm. She slid the peg into its little slot on the car and set it at the 'collage' starting line. Angie did the same.

"Alwight, now spin tha wheel, Himiko!" Angie announced. Himiko promptly spun the wheel, and it stopped at two. "Awww.. Only two spaces.."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Nyahaha, that was fun! Atua tells me we should paint now!" 

Angie shoves the game to the side and slams down the paints and canvases in its place. "That sounds good-" Himiko's sentence was interrupted by her stomach growling. 

"Hmm, my tummy's angy, do you have any noms?" Himiko put her hand on her tum as a way to try and quiet it's demand for more offerings. "Yup! I got Oweos and gummies fwom the pantwy!" Angie pulled a pack of gummies from the box and tossed them into her lap.

"Awen't dees Hiyoko's?" Himiko questions as she puts a red gummy in her mouth. " I don't know! Dey have the yellow gummies, so I don' think so!"Angie pondered.

"Oh, otay then." Himiko popped anoother gummy in her mouth while Angie tore open the paints and canvases. All eleven paint tubes fell into her lap, and Himiko stole a blank canvas and began fiddling with it.

"Annnnnd paintbwushes!" Angie dumped a box of various paintbrushes onto the floor. Himiko took a paintbrush and began painting her masterpiece. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nyeeehh, I'm bored.. Can we watch Coco now?" Himiko sighed. She had finished before Angie and was getting impatient.

"I'm not done yet! Making art is a slow pwocess, and you cannot wush it." Angie had her nose in the canvas, focusing very hard on her work.

"Butt I'm boooorreed!"


"I'll hide the Oweos~"

"..Otay fiiinne.. We can watch Coco.." Angie scoffed in defeat. Though it wasn't necessarily a loss for a the little artist, since she loved Coco. the bright colors, the fun music, and the gorgeous scenery is something she loves and is inspired by every day.

"Yay! Thank yoo, Angie." Himiko hugged Angie tightly until Angie ripped herself away from her screeching.

"Noooo! My painting! It's smeawed!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~619 words

Remember to eat your school, don't do vegatables, and stay in drugs 

Remember to eat your school, don't do vegatables, and stay in drugs 

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