🖤🐹I detest the Darkness💚🍡 (Gundam + Hajime)

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Regressor: G U N D A M  T A N A K A  (My favorite tiny 5'11, 93cm chested dark overlord)

Carer: Hajime Hinata

Hinadam rocks my world

Potential trigger warning for repressing regression(which you should never do!) and mild cursing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Heya Gundam, how was the meeting?" Hajime waved to Gundam from his bed whilst reading a book. Gundam shed his jacket and removed his boots, setting them neatly by the door. He let out a great sigh before plopping down onto the end of Hinata's bed, sinking into the soft mattress.

"Greetings, Hajime. The discussion went as planned, except for the fact we will have to delay our opening of the harbor of wild beasts until Sunday, because the master of the skies told us rain shall flow from the gates of the heavens tomorrow, which isn't ideal for our grand ceremony." Gundam ranted to Hajime as he put his book away on the nightstand and crawled over to Gundam, putting his hand on his shoulder. Gundam finches and tosses Hajime's hand aside, slightly cowering into himself.

"Ah shit bro, I'm sorry for not asking-" Hajime begins to apologize before Tanaka abruptly stops him.

"It is not your fault, my mortal companion." Gundam tried to appear mentally stable, but his facade was crumbling before himHe had been repressing his urge to regress for about a week now, which Hajime was just now catching onto. It was his job as his friend and caregiver to make sure he's happy and healthy, and he certainly wasn't either of those at the moment.

"Hey, are you okay?" Hinata questioned, to which Gundam just crossed his arms and looked to the side, trying to hide the look of sincere longing for his friend's affection.

"I am fine."

"Are you sure? You don't look okay."

"No- I mean yes!"

Hajime was unconvinced.

 "..Gundam, is this more than just not wanting to be touched? I respect your choices; but if you're repressing your regression, then that's no good."

Hajime sets his chin on Gundam's shoulder; to which Gundam just grimances, more sadness than anger pooling in his heterocromatic eyes.

"Look, I'm only asking cause I care. I'm your friend, and I want to look after you."


Well, there it is. Gundam admitted his inescapable defeat by shoving his face into his scarf as he began to sob. Hajime pulled the taller into his lap and patted his head softly as he wrapped his free arm around his waist.

"There there, you're okay. I just want you to know that I don't think of you any less because of this. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone wavers. I still see you as the same strong man you've always been, Gundam." He whispered into Gundam's ear whilst he sniffled and choked on his apologies. He had practically became putty in Hajime's lap as he laid back onto his chest.

"Really..?" Gundam poked his head out of his scarf. His face was strewn with tears, with the slight eyeliner he had on running down his pale face.

"Mhm. Now do you just wanna stay here or..."


"Alright, my dude."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~561 words

Totally did NOT insert myself as Gundam here.. -3-''

Slightly OOC Hajime? Maybe??? I don't really know. I'm sorry it's kinda short, I dragged it out as much as I could without making it boring lol<(_ _)>

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