she's gone [ N.R ]

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→ warnings: mention of blood, hit and run.


I was sitting on the couch watching my favourite show and eating some chips when the door opens and Natasha walks in. My girlfriend. We've been together for almost 6 years now and i can say that it was the happiest years of my life. I never thought that I'd fall inlove, that I'll let someone come into my life and show me that there's something more outside the world. outside my comfort zone.

I noticed the look that she have on her face. She looks, nervous? I walked towards her and put my hand on her shoulder, she tenses up and slap my hand away.

"Hey, baby. What's wrong?" i asked her.

"Don't call me that." she said seriously and look at me straight into my eyes.

"It's your favourite but okay. what do you want me to call you then?" i asked her stepping closer to her and she steps back. a frown forms into my face.

"I'm breaking up with you Y/N." she said without hesitation like it's the most easiest word to say. I let out a chuckle not wanting to believe what's really happening. She's breaking up with me?

"C'mon, Tasha. Stop that, it's not funny."

"I'm serious, I'm leaving and i already packed my things don't worry." she said and start to walk passed me but stop when i grab her wrist. She looks at me but didn't remove my hand.

"So, that's it? After all this years, Just like that?" i asked and my voice cracked. I sniffle and i feel that my eyes are starting to get hurt and burn a little because of the tears that im keeping, not wanting to cry infront of her.

"Yeah, Just like that." she said and start to walk again. She goes to our shared room.

I let myself fall into my knees, I don't feel anything. All i know is that I'm in pain. After 6 years, she just came up and tell me that she's breaking up with me. Did she even really loved me? Am i nothing to her? All those memories and all the things we did together?

I let the tears that I'm keeping away fall into my eyes. I tried wipping it off but it won't stop. Like, it's a natural thing. I put my head into my knees but quickly snapped up when i heard the door from our room opens. Natasha walked out with her suitcase in each hand.

She looks at you, both of you made eye contact. You studied her features for the last time and stare at her green forest eyes, her eyes were full of love before but now you see nothing. but little did you know, the sight is killing her inside. She don't want seeing you like this. She hate it. She don't want this. She wants to kiss you and hugs you and tell you that she didn't mean it, she didn't mean to hurt you and say those words, but she can't. She know she have to even it means hurting and leaving you.

You look away and let out a deep sigh and said, "Bye, Nat."

she looks at you, but you didn't look back even though you can feel her staring at you.

"Bye, Y/N." she said keeping herself together not wanting to break down. She need to be strong, she have to be. She walks out of your apartment and closed the door behind you.

This time, you let yourself cry and feel everything. The love of your life left you, broken. 6 years that full of love and happiness are gone in just one snap. 6 years of relationship together are gone with just 6 words. All your memories together came back to you. The person you thought would never leave you, left. The person you never thought would hurt you, leave you broken. In just simple words, your heart shattered into a million pieces. Just like that, Natasha's gone.

[ 2 years later ]

It's been two years since Nat broke up with me. I'm slowly but surely moving on. Moving forward. It's hard, harder than i thought. How a i supposed to move on from the person that i love the most? That i saw spending the rest of my life with?

N. Romanoff / S. Johansson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now