gorgeous specimen [ S.J ]

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a/n: let's say they're not actors and rich :D

G!P Reader



"Lizzie, I told you, I don't want to." I said on the phone, gathering my stuff's, ready to leave the coffee shop.

"oh, come on now, please? for me?" she begged for a million times, "and maybe, you'll find a lover there!" she added.

if you're wondering what was happening, let me tell you.

Chris [ Evans ] along with Robert and few co-workers invited us to go clubbing tonight after work and get drunk since our boss let us have a day off for tomorrow.

I told them no and now they keep pestering me to come and go. like please, we barely got any day off so I want to spend it by just relaxing and having a nice time with myself and not drowning my ass off with alcohol.

I rolled my eyes even though she can't see it and put my bag on my shoulder before grabbing my drink.

"Liz, I'm perfectly fine being single." I simply said.

"you've been single for like thousand years, you need to get laid!" she replied, almost shouting.

"first, it's only been 2 years ago since me and Paul [ I made that up ] broke up. second, I don't need-" I was stopped from my rumbling when I bumped into someone, spilling my drink all over the person's clothes.

"oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." I apologize and grab a tissue from my bag and start wiping it's clothes.

"hey, it's okay. don't worry, I got this." the person replied, softly.

I look up and met by a very gorgeous face. she looks like a goddess.

I didn't notice that I was staring for so long until she spoke, "hey, are you okay?" she asked.

"oh, yeah," I replied and chuckled, "I'm so sorry about this." I added and pointed at her wet clothes.

"it's totally fine."

"it's not."

"look miss, it's okay. stop worrying about it." she softly said with a smile.

oh god, that fucking smile! it's so beautiful!

"Scarlett, what the fuck is happening there? are you okay?" I heard Lizzie. oh right, I forgot about this stupid call.

way to ruin the moment, Olsen. I thought to myself.

I bring my phone up to my ears, "I'm fine, I'll just see you at the office." I said and hang up before she can even reply.

"do you want me to buy you new clothes?" I asked the woman once I put my phone away.

"no, I'm good. keep your money."

"here." I said as I handed her a few more tissue papers.

she gladly accept it and continue cleaning herself up, my eyes following her hands.

I could use that nice hands and fingers someday. oh my god, Ingrid! stop!

"oh shoot, I'm sorry but I need to go." she said snapping me from my thoughts.

"it's alright, I'm really sorry again. are you sure there's nothing I can do for you?" I said, guilt still lingering on my body.

"I'm all good, thanks beautiful." she replied with a smile and start walking away.

I watched her leave until she stops after a few steps and turn back to me again, "actually, there's one thing you can do for me." she said with a grin.

"what is it? anything!"

N. Romanoff / S. Johansson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now