ex [ S.J ]

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"Scar, baby, are you ready?" I shouted from downstairs.

we were going back to our old apartment to get the left over stuffs, we decided to buy our own house and we just moved in.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I heard her shout followed by her footsteps.

"already coming? I didn't even do anything yet," I teased receiving a slap on my arm, "shut up! let's go." she said and rolled her eyes.

I laugh and followed her to our car.

The drive is not that long especially it's not traffic. not even thirty minutes, we already arrived.

"hey, you go inside first while I talk to the landlord," she said and I nod, "okay, be quick!" with that she left while I walked inside.

when I opened the door, I was shock to see my ex inside. why the fuck is she here and how the fuck she got inside?

"what are you doing here?" I asked making her turn her back and face me.

"finally, took you long enough," she said ignoring my question, "how did you get in here?" I asked her again.

"oh, I told the landlord I'm looking for you and told me to wait here." she casually said, "what do you want, Claudia?"

"you." she shortly replied.

my eyebrows furrowed and I look at her confused, "what do you mean me?" I asked completely lost.

"you, I want you. comeback to me." she replied and start walking towards me.

"are you insane? I don't want to be with you anymore and I love Scarlett!" I said starting to raise my voice.

she rolled her eyes and scoff, "I bet I'm way better than her. she's a bitch."

my jaw clenched and my hands turn into fist, "you better watch that fucking mouth of yours!"

she raised her brows, "oh? and what are you going to do huh?" she said in a challenging tone, "you know, we look good together. just leave her and be with me." she seductively said walking towards me.

"hi, love! I'm sorry I—" I heard scarlett but didn't finish when she saw Claudia, "why the fuck are you here?" she asked with raised brows.

"hmm, to take what's mine." she replied and look at me up and down.

"you don't own anything here, Claudia. I suggest you turn your back now and leave." Scarlett said in a low but dangerous voice. I was just here standing beside her, not knowing what to do or say.

I must say, she's absolutely hot when she's angry. okay, not the time.

I saw Claudia pointed me, "her. she's mine." she said and Scarlett chuckled, "she's not yours. not anymore. you lost her the day you decided to cheat on her."

"I was drunk!" she said defending herself, "drunk or not, you know what you’re doing. cheating is a choice, always a choice, and you chose to cheat on y/n, so don't show up in here and say that she's yours because she's not. you've been done for a long time." Scarlett said and I stop myself from saying 'damn, that's my girlfriend!'

"and really, Claudia? you're drunk? for 3 months? are you from different planet to take three months to sober up?" Scarlett added with a sarcastic laugh.

"whatever, it doesn't matter, we look absolutely perfect together." Claudia replied.

"why are you even trying to get her back now? it's been so long. did your little toy left you, so you decided to ruin our lives now?"

I mean, she's right though. Claudia and I's relationship ended like four years ago, that's why I don't understand what she's trying to do here.

"okay, uhm, let's stop here. Claudia, please, leave us alone." I said with a soft tone trying not to make anymore big arguments.

she shook her head and about to take my wrist when Scarlett stop her, "don't you dare lay your filthy hands on my girlfriend."

Claudia tried taking her hand out of Scarlett's grip but she just hold it tighter, "Scar, baby, let her go." I softly said and hold her wrist.

she scoff before letting her wrist go, harshly, "leave right now and stay away from us or the next time you pull this stunt, you'll wake up in a hospital bed." she warned with a glare.

"please, just leave." I said and she rolled her eyes massaging her wrist before walking out. I let out a deep sigh turning my gaze to Scarlett who's starting to take the boxes.

"hey, you uhm, you okay?" I asked and take the last boxes, "do you want me to put a restraining order against her?" she asked, looking at me sternly.

"that won't be necessary," I replied, "really? what if she tried to do that again and I'm not with you?" she asked walking towards our car, putting the boxes in the trunk.

"I'm pretty sure after what you did, she wouldn't think about it." I said with a small smile passing her the box.

when she closed the trunk and turn towards me, I caressed her face, "we're okay, I'm okay. don't worry." I softly said and she melt into my touch, leaning against my hands.

"I'm just worried, we don't know what she's capable of and what she'll do next time. I can't lose you." she said looking at me longingly, I gave her a warm smile before kissing her forehead, "you won't lose me, I promise." I whispered before kissing her lips.

"I'll hold onto that." she replied giving me a wink before walking to the driver seat, "so, you wanna go home or you just gonna stand there?" she asked teasingly and I chuckled.

I promise to marry this woman someday.


hi, I may or may not change the request a little bit, I hope that's okay and this turns out okay. enjoy!

request:  KailynStrickland

- G.J

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