in the next lifetime [ N.R ]

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But in those photos, I saw us instead and, somehow, I know that you and I would've found each other in another life. You still would've turned my head even if we'd met. You're always gonna be mine, we're gonna be timeless.

→ warnings: mention of blood and shooting. ( kinda cheating as well )


I'm Y/N Y/L/N also known as the perfect daughter of the General in the Philippines. But let me tell you a secret, I like girls and no one knows. not even my parents because as their daughter, I need to live with their expectations. not just for them but also for the public, I need to protect our family name and reputation.

While I'm reading a book there's a knock in my door that caught my attention. I shouted a "come in" and when the door opens, it revealed my father with a wide smile.

"Someone looks happy," I pointed out and he laughs before sitting beside my bed. I fixed myself and lean my back at the headboard.

"I have something to tell you, a good news." He said,

"Really?" I said with a smile and he nods.

"Well, you know the son of General Rogers in America?" Father asked and I nod, "Both of you are getting married." He finishes and I felt my world crashed.

Not only because I'm getting married to a man but also because I'm getting married to someone I don't even know.

"They'll be coming here to prepare for the wedding in a few weeks." He added snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Wait, that soon!? I don't even get a chance to know him, to bond with him then all of a sudden we're getting married?" I said seriously.

"Don't worry, daughter. We just gonna prepare for it but you still have 2 months to know each other," He said and kissed my forehead, "I'll leave you now, I have something to do."

And with that he left my room without saying another word.

I closed my already forgotten book harshly. I was so shocked by the news that I stayed at my place without doing anything.

What the fuck just happened?

Now, that was 2 weeks ago. And today, here we are greeting the Rogers family.

"General Rogers, it was nice to finally see you again." My father said with a smile which Mr. Rogers returned.

"It was nice to see you too again, General Y/LN. This is my son, Steve Rogers." He introduced the guy standing beside him.

He's tall, muscular, and let's say he's handsome but that doesn't change the fact that I like women and not guys.

"Well, it's nice to finally meet you, Steve. This is my daughter, Y/N." Father said and pulled me beside him.

I put a fake smile and extend my hand, "Hi, it's nice to meet you."

Steve gladly accepted my hand with a smile on his face, "You look gorgeous, miss Y/LN." He said and if I can just say it out loud, I'd totally tell him that it cringes me.

"Thankyou, Steve. You don't look bad yourself." I complimented back and we stayed silent just looking at each other's eyes.

"Come on in, let's talk about the wedding." Father said breaking our eye contact and I extracted my hand from him.

N. Romanoff / S. Johansson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now