photographer and actress [ S.J ]

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I'm here today taking pictures for an event, at the red carpet.

My bestfriend is a famous actor and well me, I'm a professional photographer.

If you're wondering who's my bestfriend is, it's the Scarlett fucking Johansson. we met—well, bumped into eachother a few years ago causing her to accidentally spill the coffee she's holding all over my shirt and keep apologising even I told her that it was okay.

She took me out for dinner as apology. I declined at first but she kept telling me that even if I don't want to, she's still gonna take me out. so I said yes, and after that we just instantly click.

Now, we're bestfriends.

Oh, oh, wait, let me tell you a secret. She's also my girlfriend, cool right? I know!

Everyone knows that she's in a relationship but we actually didn't tell the public except our close friends and family that it was me, the public knows that we're just really close friends.

As I keep taking pictures of other celebrities, she finally arrived.

Fucking goddess. She looks ethereal and she's mine. My scarlett, my girlfriend.

She keep looking around until her eyes landed on me and gave me her gorgeous smile. I could die now. Right here, right now.

She walked towards the middle and everyone starts shouting her name.

"Over here, Scarlett!"

"Look to the right!"

"Scarlett, look over here!"

"To the left!"

There's lot of people shouting her name but she just stood still and look into my camera. Posing for only my camera, for me.

What the fuck?

All the other photographers are now looking at me. I took the camera away from my eye and glared at her before I mouthed 'stop.'

But instead of stopping and posed for others, she just smiled before walking away. I heard everyone whispering and some look at me and mutter a 'what the fuck.'

"I'm sorry." I smiled and start packing up.

"I'm gonna beat your ass, motherfucker." I muttered as I go behind the red carpet.

I passed a security and asked me what I need, "Hi! Sorry, I just need some photos with miss Johansson for our program, is that alright?"

"Wait here." He said and walked towards Scarlett who's standing with some friends.

The security talked to her until he pointed at me, smile form into her face before walking over, "Thank you, sir." I said before pulling Scarlett to the corner, out of anyone's eye.

"What was that back there!?" I whisper shout.

"What? I was posing." She casually said. "Yeah, for me. Only for my camera! You can't—" I didn't even get to finish my sentenced when she kissed me. How rude.

"You can't blame me, you're the only one I see." Scarlett said before kissing me once again.

"Stop kissing me, someone might see." I said and playfully gave her a glare.

"Alright, okay, fine. Can I atleast have a hug?" She asked, giving me her best puppy eyes and arms wide open.

I rolled my eyes and hugged her. I felt her pulling me even closer and pressing me to her body.

"Scar?" I whisper.


"You're hugging me because you want to feel my boobs, right?"



okay, hope y'all like this! what do you think?

ps: I attended my godmother's wedding today and my feet hurts :(( anygays, the first time I saw her in wedding dress I feel like I'm gonna cry! it was fun and all minus the life lesson thingy from the priest because that part is boring as fuck [ sorry ] plus, I only had one hour sleep today, I still wonder how I'm still alive rn after all the things I'm doing.

- G.J

N. Romanoff / S. Johansson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now