trouple [ S.J FT. C.E ]

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"you know, you're really pretty," Scarlett said and my face turned bright red, "it's just a shame you're straight."

"what are you trying to say, miss Johansson?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"I wish you were gay so we could make out," she said with a smirk, "oh my god stop flirting with me!" I exclaimed and she laugh, hard.

"no, but seriously you're really pretty."

"thank you, scar. you're very pretty also," I replied with a soft smile.

my thoughts got cut off when I felt someone hugged my waist, "you okay?"

I turn my head and smiled softly, "never been better."

"you know, we should really start making breakfast." she said and I giggled, "we should."

we head downstairs and start making some pancakes, after a minute we start to hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"here comes the king, scar." I said and she giggled, "yeah, I heard."

not moments later he appears on the kitchen, "good morning, my favourite girls." he greets and kiss both of our foreheads.

"good morning, babe." Scarlett said, "good morning, darling." and that's me.

"you hungry, Chris?" I asked and he gave me a nod, I place down a plate infront of him with pancakes on it. "here you go, babe."

"thank you, baby. you aren't going to eat?" he asked while shoving a pancake on his mouth.

"we just need to clean this little mess, love." Scarlett replied and we start cleaning and washing the things we use.

if you haven't notice, sucks to be you. kidding, I'm in a relationship with Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson.

when I become their girlfriend, that's definitely the happiest day of my life. actually it was just me and chris, we've been together for over a year then Scarlett join in. the three of us are now together for over 4 months and if you're wondering how all of this happen, let me share it with you.

[ 6 months ago ]

"hey, babe?" I heard snapping me out of my thoughts, "you listening?"

I look at my side and notice a worried look on his face.

well, you see, Chris Evans is my boyfriend. yeah, THE Chris Evans. my relationship with him is absolutely great. he's sweet, caring, loving, and overall he's perfect.

but, what he didn't know is I like someone else. not that I don't love him anymore but I also have an eye for someone or let me say, our bestfriend, Scarlett.

"hey, you good? you've been zoning out a lot," he worriedly asked as he place his hand on mine.

"yeah, just thinking." I replied, "about what? you can tell me anything."

another thing, he doesn't know that I like girls. most of our friends think that I'm straight which sucks.

"nah, I think I'm good." I softly said and gave him a smile, he raised his eyebrows and I know that he wouldn't stop unless I tell him. now or never?

I sigh, "well, uhm how do I say this? I'm not actually uh, completely... straight." I said a little hesitant.

I look at him to see his reaction and see him smiling, "why didn't you tell me sooner?"

I shrugged, "I just thought you'll get mad." he hugged and kiss my forehead, "it's completely fine, anything else?"

"just that," I mumbled and he nods wrapping his arms around me, "actually, there's one more thing." I said and he pulled away.

"what is it?" he asked and gently rub my knuckles with his thumb, "promise me you won't get mad?" I said, worry is visible on my voice, "I promise."

I look down at my lap taking a deep breath, "I–I like someone," I quietly said.

"you mean, you're breaking up with me?" he asked and my head whipped up and shook my head, "no, no, that's not what I meant!" I quickly said.

"then what? I don't get it," he said and I rub my forehead, "I like you but I like this person too, you know what I mean? I like both of you, it's weird I know but I just– I don't know!"

"hey, hey, it's okay. I think get it now, can I ask who this person is?" he said with a soft smile, "Scarlett..." I mumbled.

"Scarlett?" he asked shock, "yes, I mean have you seen her? she's dead gorgeous, especially her eyes and her smile." I said with a smile.

"I mean, I can't really blame you." he replied and I chuckled, after that silence covered the room. I cuddled up to him, a heavy weight left my shoulder after I told him that.

"do you want Scarlett to join our relationship?" he suddenly asked breaking the silence, I look up at him wide eyes, "what?"

"you said you like her and this idea just came to my mind. plus, she likes you also, I can see it by how she looks at you. I'm willing to explore and try things if it'll make you happy," he said and I can't stop the tears forming into my eyes, god! how can I be so lucky to have this guy.

"I love you, so much!" I said and gave him a kiss. [ I love you, Chris. but I can't imagine kissing you, this is so weird but I have too, anygays, back to the story! ]

basically that was it, after that we immediately call Scarlett and explain things. at first she was confused and shock, we made her understand and ask her out which she said yes obviously.

the three of us dated for 2 months and now officially together for 4 months. at first, I thought it'll be weird or something but it turns out great. like, really great.

"you know, I love you both so much." I blurted out and shove a piece of pancake in my mouth.

"we love you too," Chris replied, "we're so lucky to have you." Scarlett added.

"I'm the lucky one, like hell, look at you! you both are smoking hot!" I said making them laugh, "you're so weird." Scarlett said still laughing.

"but you love me," I replied with a wink and click my tounge, "we do, but you're still weird." Chris replied and I can't help but chuckled.

I never imagine my life to turn out like this but, we can never really guess what's gonna happen in the future, right?

I can't help the smile that creeping through my face just watching them interact, smiling and laughing with eachother. my heart's glowing at contentment, having both of them will be the bestest gift I ever received in my whole life and I'll never let anything or anyone take them away.


I feel like this is one of the ugliest thing I wrote or is it just me? I don't know, whatever. but, hope y'all like it even though it's kinda weird and cringe worthy.

ps; request by KyJohansson I don't know if this is what you expected or what's on your mind but I do hope that I got your request right.

- G.J

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