the knight [ N.R ]

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→ warning: kidnapping.


I was wondering around our palace. So, if you're wondering I'm a princess. Only child of the most powerful family around the kingdom and today is the day that I'll be finally a Queen. While I was walking, there's three guards behind me, as the only child and the next queen I need to be safe. They want me to have a guard with me, always.

The coronation will start in 30 minutes.

I heard the announcement, I sigh heavily knowing that after this, my little privacy and kinda normal life will be officially and permanently gone.

"We should go back and get ready for your big day, princess." The guard politely said and I nod.

We start to head back, I walked inside my room and found the person that will prepare me up is already there. They start doing my make up and doing my hair. After several minutes I'm all done. I changed into the clothes I'm going to wear and check myself in the mirror.

"Are you ready?" I heard my mother, the former queen asked peeking her head on my bedroom door.

"Yes, I am." I said with a small smile.

"I know that this isn't what you really want but you have to. This is for you, and for the kingdom." She sincerely said and kissed my forehead before we start walking to the venue.

The ceremony started and we did all the things that needed and rituals until they called me to stand infront, they about to put the crown but a gas came out of nowhere blocked our sights. I felt someone covered up my nose with strong smell making me unconscious.

After a few hours, I woke up being tied up and my head hurts a little. I look around and found myself into unfamiliar room.

"SHE'S AWAKE!" I heard a shout and all of a sudden the door opens revealing a two person with mask on.

"Who are you? what do you want from me?" I asked angrily.

"It's a pleasant to meet you also, Princess Y/LN." the other person said and bowed.

"It's not important who we are, the important thing is you'll stay here and be our captive." the other one spoke sternly.

I was about to say something when that person spoke again, "not a word from you, you don't have any power here."

Back at the kingdom, everyone is panicking looking for you everywhere but found not a single sight of you.

"Have you found anything?" your mother asked.

"I'm sorry, but we can't see any sign of princess y/n." the guard said as he bow his head.

"Find our daughter as soon as possible." Your father shouted as all the guard scattered around and start looking for you again.

"We'll find our baby, I promise." He said as he wrapped his arms around your mother whose sobbing in his chest.

[ 3 days ]

as they said, I've been their captive and I refuse to eat unless I was really hungry. My clothes are pretty dirty now and have dirt's in my body.

I was sitting on the floor with my hands handcuffed in my back, it was really uncomfortable and it's hurting my wrist.

"Guys, have you heard the news?" I heard unfamiliar voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What news?" Bucky asked. staying here for I don't know how long, I already memorized their names and faces. except for this new one that also covering their face the first time I saw my captivators.

N. Romanoff / S. Johansson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now