teddy bear [ N.R ]

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I'm here at the lab with Bruce working on something. we've been here since morning but we already ate. We were busy when Clint entered the room panting.

"hey, y/n?" he called out catching his breath.

"yea? what's up?" I said and look at him, "uhh, where's nat? aren't you supposed to be with her right now, you know, training?"

he stands straight, finally got his breath back, "that's the thing, she's not there yet. probably still sleeping," he said and furrowed my eyebrows.

"that's impossible, Natasha's so strict with her schedules," I said with confusion in my face, she never stayed in bed this late, "It's past 10, usually she's up before the clock hits 6."

"I don't know, y/n. but, I've been waiting for her for almost 3 hours now." he said and I nod, "I'll wake her up, don't worry," I said before he leaves and thanked me.

I look over to Bruce and he nods his head with a smile knowing what I'm about to ask. I left the lab immediately and goes to Nat's room. I knocked once, twice until I heard her groan and tells me to come in.

"baby?" I asked as I peaked my head to her door.

"y/n?" she mumbled, "yes, it's me," I replied.

"get out," she said and my brow furrowed.

"what? why?" I asked with full of confusion.

"I'm sick, I don't want you to get sick. So, go, please?" she mumbled.

I can already feel her pouting since her back is facing me, I chuckled before starting to walk, "Nat, look, I don't–"

Before I can even finish, she quickly pulls the covers over her head, I sigh.

"Please, go," she pleads again.

I start to walk much closer to her and notice a lump beside her, that confuses me even more.

"What are you—" as I pulled the cover down enough to see her face, I quickly falls into a fit of laughter.

"oh my god, Nat." I whispered.

"Shut up," she groans as I giggled.

"sweet heavens, you're so adorable," I softly said and begins climbing to bed, "It smells like you," she mumbled enough for me to hear, referring to the soft toy that she usually complains about  because it puts distance between us.

"y/n, can you please take this damn toy away? I want to be close to you," Natasha complains.

"nat, you know I like sleeping with Mr. Cuddle beside me." I replied and continue settling myself to bed.

"I can cuddle you, you know?" She tries again.

"no, go to sleep Natasha. he's not going anywhere," I sternly said and heard her sigh.


"what now?" I asked as I felt Natasha staring at me.

"you love that fucking toy more than me," she said in a serious tone making me laugh, "don't laugh at me, I'm serious."

"please, don't tell me you're jealous over a teddy bear?" I asked teasingly which I received nothing as an answer.

"oh god, you're jealous of Mr. Cuddle?" I asked.

"Can you blame me? you sleep with him, hug him more than me, cuddle with him, and everything when I'm literally here YOUR GIRLFRIEND to do that for you," she said marking the two important words while pointing at herself.

"such a child," I mumbled but unluckily she have a super hearing, "hey!" she exclaimed.


"y/n, please, for pete's sake. you've been cuddling that toy for a month now, can I please have this night without him getting in between us, I want a cuddle." she whines.

"nat, how many times do I have to tell you? Mr. Cuddle is not going anywhere, I can't sleep without him beside me." I said, she decided she finally had enough and take Mr. Cuddle away from me and dropped him on the floor, on her side.

"NAT!" I exclaimed and about to stand to grab him when she pulled me inside her arms.

"nope, I want to have this night cuddling you without stupid bear between us," she said and tighten her hug.

"you literally gave me that bear as a gift for our 2nd anniversary." I reminded her, "and I'm starting to regret it now," she whispered.

"seriously, Nat," I said and she shush me, "sleep." she demand and I just rolled my eyes moving impossibly closer to her and bury my face in her chest letting myself drift off.

she might be dangerous, and scary infront of everyone. She might be the famous Blackwidow and THE natasha romanoff of avengers, but with me, she's just a normal person.

A soft one, who makes me smile everyday and completing my life. She's Natasha Romanoff, who's caring, loving, sweet, and a perfect angel.

I continue playing with her hair, until I heard some cute little snores coming out from her. I smile forms in my face just looking at her peaceful, beautiful resting face.

I pulled the covers up, enough to cover her body and pressed a kiss on her forehead before looking at her once again.

I'm so lucky to have you, and I'll do everything just to keep you forever.

"I love you, Tasha."


a short one for y'all. hope you still like it. I can't sleep and have nothing to do so, I just decided to write something and it's literally 5:20am, anyways, have a nice day!

ps; this is inspired on tiktok video I've watched few weeks ago. plus, I've been seeing lot of MoM spoiler on tiktok, and sweet heavens, Wanda is on the highest level. our Lizzie is so amazing <3

 our Lizzie is so amazing <3

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- G.J

N. Romanoff / S. Johansson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now