cold hearted [ N.R ]

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a/n: you thought Natasha is a cold-hearted person, but guess what, you're wrong.


        I was on a mission with this bitch, Natasha. A cold-hearted badass Russian assassin spy, cold as fuck. She didn't care about anyone, she only care about herself. She even hates me for I don't know! She just saw me and decided that she hates me, so let's do her a favour. I hate her too.

I was so exhausted from this mission, it's her fault! We should be on the compound now if she didn't change her fucking plan all of sudden without even thinking or talking to me. Asking if that was okay!

After seems like forever, our mission is done, complete and success. All I want to do now is lay down and sleep. I'm so tired. We go to the quinjet and start to head back. My eyes are tired and anytime soon, I'll fall asleep but I keep opening them.

"You okay, y/n?" Natasha asked. I just hum and didn't pay any attention to her.

After an hour that seems like forever, she finally said the thing I wanted to hear.

"We're here." She announced and I instantly go out and walked inside the compound.

"How's the mission?" Steve asked once we entered.

"Success." Natasha said and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you okay y/n?" Wanda asked worriedly.

"I'm exhausted as fuck, please don't make me go on a mission with this lady here again." I complain and point at Nat.

"What happened?" Tony asked.

"Nothing happened, what the hell are you complaining about?" She asked completely annoyed. I faced her and look at her in the eyes.

"You literally change your fucking plan without even letting me know. If you didn't did that, probably we're here an hour ago already." I said sternly.

"So what are you trying to say?" She asked with a raise brows.

"What I'm saying is all you care about is yourself, you're cold as fuck. Colder than a fucking ice!" I said raising my voice to her before walking away.

She's a bitch, acting like she's always the best. Always need to be on top, acting like a boss. I fucking hate her, no. I don't hate her. Actually, I like her for quite long now but she hates me. So, I cover my feelings for her with hatred, just like what she's doing. Win win.

Natasha's POV

     I feel guilty for changing my plan without talking to y/n and asking for her opinion. Now, she's exhausted and really tired. She looks like a wreck. I sat infront of the dining table waiting for the dinner to be served.

"What really happened?" Asked Steve.

"Nothing, it was just I changed my plan. That's all." I said with annoyed voice.

They keep asking me for about an hour now, they keep bugging me. Why does she have to make it a big deal? The important thing is the mission is done, right? But, at the same time the guilt is still here.

"Romanoff." Tony said calling for my attention.

I sigh and look at him, "What now?"

"Do you like y/n?" He asked without thinking.

I was shocked, I didn't know what to say or do. I don't know how to answer that question. Do I like her?

"I-" that's the only thing that came out from my mouth, I can't form a word.

N. Romanoff / S. Johansson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now