coffee [ S.J ]

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Scarlett's POV

I was sitting at one of the coffee shop's table waiting for my order while answering some important mails and texts.

I was so engaged with my own little world when my phone started to ring. I quickly search for it and saw Lizzie's ID.

"Hey, Liz! what's up?"

"well, are you coming to Robert's party later?" she replied getting straight to the point and I can hear her walking.

"wait, that's today?" I asked continuing to answer some mails but also listening to my friend.

"yes, you forgot?"

"no, I didn't. I just thought it's next week." I said and sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"so, you still coming or what?" she asked, and I can picture her with raised eyebrows, hands on the hip.

I chuckle at the thought before answering, "I don't know, I'm really busy today."

"come on, take a break!" she replied, whining.

"here's your coffee," I heard the barista and put down my coffee.

"Thank you," I replied not looking up, my eye's glued to my screen.

"who you talking to?" Lizzie asked.

"I'm outside, at the coffee shop." I replied and took a sip of my coffee.

"Holy shit!" I said, shocked.

"what? what happened?" I heard Lizzie asked, panicking.

"no, sorry, sorry. the coffee just taste delicious, this is so different! like, literally the one I want, my tastebud miss this coffee taste." I said and take a sip again.

oh my, god! this is absolutely taste so delicious, this taste just like what my favourite person always make for me before, I can die right now but please, don't take me yet.

"god, you made me nervous!"

"sorry, it was just really good. anyway, about the—" I stop mid-sentence, eyes widening when I notice the cup.

normally, it had the costumers name on it  but instead, it has a sentence. 

"we haven't seen eachother in ten years but you still look breath taking, you look beautiful today." the sentence that written on the cup, I look up and that's when I saw her. my highschool sweetheart.

"hey, Scarlett? you still there?" I heard Lizzie's voice.

"yeah, yeah. uhm, I'll talk to you later." I hung up not waiting for a response. I was beyond shock seeing her right now, right here. I miss her so much.


"hey, love. good morning," I heard my girlfriend's voice, my eyes fluttered open but instantly shut because of the light, I heard her giggle and I adjust to the light.

"hi," she softly said looking into my eyes when I finally adjusted, "hi, gorgeous." I replied with my raspy voice.

"god, your voice is so sexy!" she groaned making me laugh, "do you want coffee?" she asked and I quickly nodded.

"alright, go do your thing, I'll wait for you downstairs." she said standing up, giving me a forehead kiss before leaving the room.

I smiled to myself and walked inside the bathroom doing my routine before heading downstairs seeing my girlfriend making breakfast while doing her silly dance.

N. Romanoff / S. Johansson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now