my atlantis [ S.J ]

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→ warnings: mention of killing and rape [ abuse? ]


"answer your goddamn phone, Ingrid!" I said to myself getting irritated.

I've been calling her for like a thousand times but she's not picking it up. I know she's mad but can't she just answer it or even gave a single dot so I would know she's still breathing?

you see, three days from now, we're getting married but earlier we had a misunderstanding and she left to cool down.

I mean, can you blame me? someone's flirting with her and she's just letting it. the girl's hand is all over her body and when I decided that I had enough, I'm the one who's wrong.

okay, maybe trying to punch that girl is rude or too much or whatsoever, but my blood is boiling that time! I can't help myself!

her friends won't even tell me anything, even how much I begged them. I just throw my phone at the bed and change, I'm going out to look for her.

once I was done, I brought my phone with me. I keep dialling her number while walking down the alley when suddenly, someone pulled me and surprise me with a hug then kiss me.

"I-I do," Scarlett said in between sobs, "I love you, so much!" she added crying uncontrollably.

To your surprise someone hugged and kiss you from the dark, your mind stopped working for awhile and your body froze, trying to figure out what was happening.

but then, when you felt that it wasn't Scarlett because of it's muscular build, a tall person, and most importantly, a guy.

you tried pushing him away but to your avail, he was really strong.

"stop, please!" you said as tears start to leave your eyes, "shut up, you bitch!" he growled and forced to take your clothes off but you keep fighting him.

"stop, stop, please!!" you begged, instead he punch your stomach hard.

he layed you down on the ground, you were holding your stomach while he was stripping.

"see how quiet you are now," he said with a smirk and lean down to you, he caressed your face with a grin while tears escaping your eyes, "be good and you might get out alive." he said with venom in his voice. after that, he start using you.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" you shouted even though you don't know if someone can hear you.

you felt his hand met your cheeks, he slapped you, "you fucking bitch, shut your mouth!" he said and continued.

all you can do is cry, plead, and hoping that someone will see what was happening and saved you.

once he was done, you taught you'll be free but then, you're wrong. he pulled out a knife and you backed away.

"don't please, I-I have a wife waiting for me, please!" you shakily said, "you think I would care? I won't risk letting you go just for you to send me to jail!" he said and walked towards you.

"I won't say anything, I promise!" you said hoping it would change his mind, but luck is not with you today.

he grabbed you before stabbing your stomach, yet he wasn't satisfied. he stabbed you over and over again until your body is drenched with your own blood.

with how many stabs you have, you're sure and you know he is too that there's no way you could leave this alley so, he decided to leave you there.

you were left alone, gasping, trying to fight for your life.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you," she sobbed, her chest tightening, "Scarlett, you need to breath." Lizzie said to her friend.

"I failed to protect her," she quietly said, "but it wasn't your fault." Evans said trying to comfort her.

"It is my fault! if I didn't left and answer my stupid phone the first time she called, she wouldn't have to find me and walked down alone in that fucking alley!" Scarlett said, her face is filled with anger, grief, and guilt.

"Scarlett—" Lizzie started but quickly cut off, "I just lost my supposed to be wife. we were supposed to be married by now, but instead of a church where are we? in a fucking cemetery! so don't try to give me that line because it wouldn't change anything and it wouldn't make me feel better!" Scarlett said with tears streaming down her face.

once again, she was kneeling in your grave while sobbing.

Scarlett touched your grave a single tear fell from her eyes to your gravestone, "I-I'm really sorry, my love," she mumbled, "I love you." she quietly added.

I failed to save you, to save us, my love. my atlantis.


another angst [ probably heart breaking, I guess? ] for all of you people, because I don't know also. I just wanted to write another not so happy story. enjoy!

ps: I already published my w.m oneshot book, go check it out!

- G.J

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