99. Heavy Prices

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Last half is in the main book. Enjoy!

Vlad and Erinna's goodbyes to their hosts were hurried, with promises to visit in the future. Since teleporting back home was relatively easy, Erinna did it herself this time whilst Vlad teleported everyone else.

She smiled at the first thing she saw in their bedroom. She supposed she shouldn't be surprised to see that Xander had made himself at home in their absence, on Vlad's side of the bed too. He was going to be so annoyed.

"Hey, Xander."

"You make noise, Princess. 'Tis too late," he complained, burrowing into the bedcover some more.

"Vlad will be here in about five minutes, I thought you might want the heads-up."

Ideally, she wanted her mate to get along with her familiar but so far that had not gone too well. If they found each other in the same room, they were bound to fight and Erinna was too happy to want to play mediator between them. This was a good night and nothing was going to ruin it for her.

"Why didn't you leave it in Egypt?" Xander whined, crawling off the bed and up the wall onto the ceiling to a corner he had terrorized some spiders into making a giant web for him.

"Who would be my mate then if I left the only one I have in Egypt?" She humored his thought process.

"We finds you a better one. Zat Deacon be looking mighty fine to Xander."

"We don't mention the 'D' word in this castle," she told him as she removed the bedcover and pillow cases because Vlad would be able to smell that Xander had been on them. After dumping them in the laundry basket, she fetched clean bedding and began remaking the best, hopefully before Vlad arrived.

"His ancestors good, upstanding folks too. Stood by my side when we foughts za great war with za creeping Centaurs, wanting Ellingsdale for zerselves."

"You were with Enai when the Centaur invasion happened, right?" Erinna asked, trying to recall her history lessons with Melissa.

Enai's form had been steele and she had been the one to fight Centaur rule and lead the elves into victory when they had almost lost their freedom. All the great things she had achieved made Erinna feel a bit inadequate.

"Yes, me and my mistress we sent back za Centaurs to where zer came from," Xander said proudly. He had really loved Enai; the only time that he was animated was when he was talking about her. She had her work cut out for her if she was ever going to get him to respect her half as much.

"Well, if you had come with me, we could have done a great thing tonight. We broke Vlad's curse."

"Great thing would have been to trap it in za tombs and leave it to starve for eternity," Xander drawled, clicking his pincers obnoxiously, the way that he did when Vlad was mentioned.

"You are terribly morbid, you know. If you and Vlad spent more time together, you would find much in common," she told him, fluffing the pillows the way that she had seen the maids do.

It didn't look altogether shabby. Maybe there was hope for her if the Countess thing did not work out.

"Kill us now, princess," Xander groaned, making Erinna laugh.

"So you would really rather I not break his curse?"

"Za world is bigger zan your vampire. You waste your powers, focusing all your attention on him. So much more you can do."

"Like what, Xander?" She asked, because she really wanted to know.

It was not like the job came with a manual. All she could really do was work with what was given to her and the situations that presented themselves to her.

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