Shattered Hopes 💔

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DON'T read this chapter if you haven't read the chapter Alliances Formed And Others Broken 💔

This chapter is available in a less explicit version in the original book.

Ps: this was written very fast so please, do spot errors for me so I correct them ASAP.

“What do you think about the request of the elves Zane?” Zachary asked his son though Zane couldn’t see the point since Cole had more or less agreed on his part.

“Does it matter father?”

“Would I have asked if it didn’t?”

“My opinion or anyone else’s doesn’t matter because in the end you’ll just go and do whatever you want.”

Zane didn’t like pointless conversations and he could see this one was on its way to become one. Any conversation with his father was like that.

“That’s because there can be only one Alpha, you tend to forget that at times.”

Zane sighed, he wanted to go oversee the training of the new army recruits and his father was delaying him with one of his usual power plays.

“Is there anything in particular you wanted to discuss?”

“My time is coming to an end. I have a month if not less I need to secure your position in the pack before I die. I want to make you the alpha.”

“That’s impossible father, Cole is the oldest and he is a Dark Wolf.”

Werewolf bloodlines had been watered down over the years due to cross breeding with humans.

When Dracula had hunted their race to near extinction, they’d had no choice but to mate with humans to restore their numbers, as a result, a lot of distinct abilities and powers had been lost over the years and most of all, the Dark Wolves had been wiped out.

Dark Wolves were werewolves who could turn any time, with no restrictions of the full moon like the others. They were gifted with powers beyond comprehension, easily making them the strongest in the tribe. Due to their importance to the race, it had been agreed that anytime a Dark Wolf emerged, he would become the Alpha automatically.

Zane didn’t mind becoming Beta to his half brother, it was the right thing to do for the pack anyway; Cole could protect them in ways he couldn’t.

He had thought even though his father hated his illegitimate son, he would come around when the time was right and give Cole his rightful position as Master Alpha of the packs but clearly the old man had other ideas.

“That’s where the elf princess comes in, this is the opportunity we’ve been waiting for. With her by your side, no one will question your position as Master Alpha, not even Collen. I’ll be damned before I let that bastard take my throne.”

“Has it occurred to you that she might not even want to marry me? I doubt anyone has even asked her opinion on all this.”

“Even a leper will be better than Dracula, the princess will be grateful for you. You heard them, she’s a Pure Being Zane, she will bring success to our land such as never been. Are you going to deny your people the chance to be fruitful?”

“No father, I’m denying our people the chance to be slaughtered. Everyone knows Dracula is obsessed with his new Countess, I heard he’s even killed some of his own people over her. You’re waking up a centuries year old war, he won’t rest until he gets her back. Do you realise where that’ll leave our people?”

“You’re forgetting something Zane. The Princess is also our any chance of killing the creature, you heard the prophecy. Call this killing two birds with one stone.”

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