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It's been quite long huh 😂 😂 😂

This chapter is dedicated to my main smut girl,  really_nigga_girl11
If lack of smut hasn't killed her already that is 😂 😂 😂

THIS IS THE CHAPTER AFTER SACRIFICES don't read this unless you've read Sacrifices

He watched everything in slow motion as the figure on the couch sat up. Everyone was watching aghast, disbelief and fear etched onto their faces. Armando inched slowly towards the door then ran for his life.

“Are you a ghost?”

He knew if he was human his palms would be sweating and he’d probably be shaking but ever since he had been turned into a vampire, he’d been released from such weaknesses. The only difference he felt in his physiology was the rush of emotions and thoughts in his head. How could this be?

She was supposed to be dead, the sorcerers had announced it; he had watched her body shut down after Miya had betrayed him in a way he had never anticipated. Miya who had always seemed loyal to him. Miya who had claimed to love him despite all he was. What a damn shame.

He didn’t know if what he was seeing right then was a ghost but he wasn’t even sure if he cared either. What mattered to him was that she seemed real, she was talking to him and he was no longer seeing her with that deathly pallor she had had as she had lay lifelessly on his couch.

Right then she seemed real to him, he was sure he could even smell her usual delicious scent heightened by the delectable aroma of her blood that had leaked on her clothes when Miya had stabbed her. But that had to be a trick of his senses, ghosts couldn’t project scents.

“Vlad?” Erinna or her ghost asked, standing up and walking towards him.

“How come I can hear your voice?” He was unwilling to believe this was more than what it actually was: an illusion.

Erinna was dead and he was sunk so deep n denial and depression that it was conjuring up hallucinations, grasping at anything to keep a hold on her. That had to be it.

“Because I’m talking to you,” she said, raising her hand and put her hand on his jaw.

It too everything in him not to jump and shriek like a banshee because right then he was freaked out. Four thousand years ensured that little on earth surprised him but right then he was so shocked he found himself doubting the sanity of his mind. He had to be off his rocker, how else would he have felt her touch? It couldn’t be. No class off ghosts had this foothold on the physical world.

“You’re not a ghost?”

“A ghost? Vlad I’m not dead.”

Anger wiped away his shock. He knew everyone in the room probably thought he was crazy talking t thin air but he didn’t care. Perhaps they saw her too.

“No, I watched you die,” he growled, his voice vibrating with anger. He didn’t like being taken for a fool.

“I came back. It’s me. It’s Erinna,” she assured him probably seeing the doubt in his eyes. That was true, he didn’t believe it one second; this had to be Diana wit one of her cruel tricks.


“I came back Vlad,” she said desperately, her face wrought in tight lines of both pain and joy, tears running down her cheeks.

Ghosts could cry?

He was shocked that even as a ghost he found himself wanting to protect her. He raised his hand and wiped her tears, fearing his hand would go right through her but surprisingly it made contact.

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