Introductions And Other Things.... 👅👅

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So.... First chapter is up.... Don't be having heart attacks on me lol 😂😂😂This chapter is available in a less explicit version in the og book. This is the chapter following Busted so don't read this before that. Enjoy!!!

Dracula sat on his elevated throne made of werewolf bone and adorned with the finest and rarest of jewels. Beside him was a smaller but just as grand throne he had had ordered after his bride's birth.

It was made out of transparent, sparkling crystal and diamond, representing her untainted purity. He had had emeralds added when he had seen the colour of her eyes.

Just below him; on lower chairs sat his two advisers, facing the vampire community. The humans who served them of course were not invited.

The silence in the room bordered on the offensive as they all awaited the arrival of the one woman who was going to change their lives; whether negatively or positively was up to the universe.

Most of them were not pleased, he knew. They saw Erinna as their downfall. A curse put on a leader extended to his people and much as they loved and were eager to satisfy their Count's needs and whims, this was too much of a sacrifice. Their hostility was loud in the air though none had the courage to voice it.

He felt her presence before she arrived and every fibre in his being sang and rejoiced and he had to fight a goofy smile off his lips before his people thought he had become retarded.

While he was excited about Erinna meeting these people who he considered the closest thing to family; he was also a bit nervous. Erinna was beautiful to the point of shocking. He didn't know how his people would take it.

She was simply irresistible.

He wouldn't blame anyone for falling in love with her at first glance, but if they so much as made a move towards her, they would be in Death Town before they said "was just looking my lord".

They had had a minor argument that afternoon; ok minor depending on whose point of view. He hoped she had forgiven him and had followed his express instructions religiously.

He had told the maids to dress her in the most conservative and repulsive clothes they could find to at least make an effort to subdue and mute her shouting beauty.

He knew it was a futile effort for his bride would look delightful in just about anything. The veil he had told Alexander to remind her to put on however should do the job. It should prevent him from having to rip out a lot of jugulars that night. If her beauty was veiled, perhaps his people may be able to resist.

The door man opened the huge doors with an unnecessary flourish, bowing.

"Hail Princess Erinna of the Ellingsdale Elves, Countess of the vampires," he addressed.

His bride walked in and all heads turned that side and his jaw fell to the ground.


She was in a highly revealing gown that set his body on fire from just looking. It showed all her lush curves provocatively and he had to stifle a groan as his whole body leapt to instant reaction. She moved like a vengeful goddess, her head up and her hips hypnotising all that looked at their suggestive sway.

Her eyes were fixed on his. The heat in them answering that in his. When he bit his bottom lip and narrowed his eyes she smiled in triumph.

So this was her revenge?

He didn't know whether to shake her, spank her or just kiss her senseless. And those lips....don't even go there Vlad.

She exuded natural beauty and beguiling innocence and he was not the only one entranced. His men were gravitating closer to the isle, drawn to his bride like moths to a fire.

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