93. Unexpected gifts

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"I don't know why I can't go too." Tristan was pouting from the hallway since Vlad had told him he would decapitate him if he ever entered their chambers.

"It would be dangerous for you, Tristan. Witches especially dark ones, are not known for their friendliness."

"But you're going and you're practically the cripple in this group."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm pregnant, not sick. And I can take care of myself. You would be disadvantaged in a magical fight."

He still wasn't satisfied so Erinna had to change tactics. She told him how much it would mean for her and Vlad if someone they trusted stayed behind to watch over the castle in their absence. Not that the remaining vampires would need Tristan's help in any way but it soothed his ego. He huffed but seemed to accept it.

"I'll go collect my things so that I can move in."

"Okay, you can bring your mother so that she's not all alone at home. Have one of the maids show you some vacant rooms."

"I know my way around." He said and left.

Xander was giving her a disapproving glance from the center of the bed where he was lounging.

"What? I didn't lie to him. His presence will be more useful here."

He clicked his pincers but said nothing, just continued watching her with that unnerving gaze.

"You know, Vlad is not going to be pleased to find you on the bed when he returns. If I were you, I would vamoose right about now."

"Xander is not scared of the vampire. He bothers me and I eats him."

"It's not about being scared, it's about respect. He allowed you to stay here, can't you be more nice to him?" She asked, folding one of Vlad's leather pants. The material was unbelievably smooth to the touch.

"He was not nice to my mistress. Why shoulds I respect him?"

That was a battle that Erinna did not want to get in the middle of.

"Why don't you tell me about Enai?" She asked instead. She knew about Enai as a voice in her head and a store of knowledge she could reach for, but what had she been like as a person?

"He ripped into her like a wild animal. Her screams rings in my ears to this day. Xander fought him but he kept stabbing her. Her blood spilt on a common rock and her flesh was left for the beasts of the wild to eat. Nothing I coulds do, just watched her die."

Erinna's heart stilled. The morbid picture was not what she had expected when she had asked Xander to tell her about his mistress. His hatred for Vlad did not sound petty now when she heard the pain in his voice. Erinna abandoned her packing for a while and sat on the bed with him.

"I'm sorry that you lost your mistress, Xander."

She stopped herself from making excuses or explaining that Vlad had not been in a good place then, his mind tortured by the violent death of his pregnant wife.

"Best mistress Xander ever hads. Made me warmest blankets and gave me roasted nuts."

"You love nuts?"

Her familiar made a motion that could have been a nod. "Nuts with tasty human children heads. Za new borns have chewy skulls."

Erinna laughed. She really hoped Xander was joking about eating children but the frequency with which he mentioned it made her question whether there was any veracity to his claims.

"Well, I can't help with the heads but I'll see what I can do about the nuts, okay?"

And the blankets. Xander was just so...prickly. It had never occurred to Erinna that he might actually want to be pampered or get affection of any kind. He was different from Alex who was not shy of taking what he wanted and needed out what Erinna had to give. Be it hugs, belly rubs, walks or just entertainment, Alex just made himself comfortable in her personal space.

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