100. Doctor Dracula

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Midday was silent as it usually was in Castello Dracula. The masters of the castle lay in their respective beds whilst the humans who served them traipsed around, quietly cleaning and ensuring everything would be awake and ready for when they finally woke up.

All but one vampire was sleeping. Dracula had spent the two nights following their return from Egypt ruminating on Toro's disrespect. The beginnings of a plan were beginning to form in his mind on how he would deal with the wizard who had seen it fit to double cross him. It was a plan that required patience which was inconvenient because he was itching for a confrontation, to have Toro at the end of his claws, even for just a minute.

A slight change in his wife's breathing drew him from his thoughts. He had left her with Alexander in their bed after he had failed to find sleep. With the sun high up in the sky, there weren't many places he could go to clear his head but even if there had been, he would still have stayed close. Her presence was essential for his sanity.

The sound of covers moving aside let him know she was leaving the bed. He turned his head to watch her approach. He was sitting on a chair parallel to one of the windows in their room, the heavy curtains shielding him from the sun. Some days, he liked dancing with the danger, sitting so close to the sun with only the barrier of a curtain between him and what could have been certain death, had he been a normal vampire.

He smiled as his wife approached him. She pulled her nightdress up and sat astride him on the chair. He wrapped his arms tight around her to bring her closer, keeping his groan in when her sweet, warm flesh connected with his leather clad groin.

"What's wrong?" She asked, resting her head on his chest.

"Nothing. Just restless."

She drew back, her hand coming up to touch his face. The look of gentle concern that was on her face was not one he had seen on many people when they looked at him. He leaned down and kissed her nose.

"Can I help?" She asked eagerly.

He shrugged. There was not much she could do short of delivering Toro to him bound and gagged but her presence certainly helped.

"Try and sound less excited," she admonished before moving her hand to cup his jaw and kissing him.

Vlad was not exactly in the mood for back-breaking, passionate sex but he kissed her back, just enjoying her presence and the feel of her in his arms. His wife seemed to realise this too because there was no urgency in her kisses, her touches more aimed at giving comfort rather than arousal.

Erinna's hands moved over his chest, her fingers teasing and tweaking the flat pebbled flesh of his nipples until he gasped. Her lips moved from his mouth, brushing his cheek as she moved to suck on the flesh between his neck and shoulder. Vlad involuntarily thrust into her in a way that would have had him sheathed inside her had his leather trousers not been between them.

But he still felt her heat. So warm and soft. He wanted to be inside her. His hands slid from her waist to her thighs before moving to cup her bottom over the thin, luxurious material of her gown. He gripped and squeezed the rounded flesh, pressing her closer to him, right against his aching cock. The fire of desire that had been building up slowly became hotter and more urgent.

Erinna's hand slipped into his pants and gripped his cock. Vlad cursed, his eyes closing once and then opening to find her watching him, her green eyes glazed with lust. His thumb moved to her lip, tugging her bottom lip down. With her skin flushed, eyes blazing with desire and breath coming out in pants, his wife looked absolutely beautiful.

"Tighter. I need you to hold me tighter than that," he told her. Her pupils dilated and Vlad felt himself growing impossibly harder in her hand.

"Like this?" She asked, taking him completely out of his pants and tightening her grip on his girth. Vlad cursed loudly, seeing the virtual stars when her hand began sliding up and down his shaft. She was still more gentle than he would have been on himself, but her hand was smaller and the texture softer. That alone had precum leaking out of his tip, drawing him closer to the edge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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