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The air was crisp as I stood staring out into the darkness, into the nothingness. My breath condenses with the cool air, it's the only thing that moves as I try to ignore my thoughts and wait for the sun to finally rise.

I watch as it creeps up slowly still waking as it rises, the warm glow bringing comfort as it washes over me and heats the earth. Since it's fully risen now I sigh and turn around, my shoes soundlessly digging into the dirt with the movement.

Ajak would be awake now, she'd be waiting with breakfast ready for me like she did on most days, I'd try and hide the fact I'd been up all night but she'd know I was lying, she always did.

"Calypso breakfast is on the table, go wash your face and sit."

She watches me as I sit wordlessly, "you should go see him." I glance up and open my mouth to protest only for her to speak first. "Now don't give me any of that, I know you miss him."

"No I'm staying here with you, I don't want to see him." She smiles and shakes her head, "why you try and lie to me I never understand, I know you better than you think, you still want him."

Ajak was the only eternal I'd stayed with after Tenochtitlan, Sprite had stayed with us for a while too but she was gone, Ajak sent her to check on Sersi so it was just the two of us.

I'd wondered about the others obviously but we hardly visited each other, I hadn't seen most of them in centuries.

"Alright," she sighs once I don't reply, "but it would do you some good to go and see the world."

"We've seen the world, together."

"Go alone for a short while, come back in two weeks." She bargains and so I nod, "ok, I'll go, maybe I'll visit the others." She smiles and nods, "good good, eat your breakfast and I will pack for you." She says kissing my head before walking up towards my room.

Ajak and I had, you could say a mother daughter relationship. We'd posed that way for centuries and eventually it just became natural to us.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"You sure you want me to go?" I hesitate at the door,  I think I needed her more than she needed me. "Go my love, I will be here when you get back." She says softly, placing her hand on my cheek. I nod and hug her, "I'll be back soon."

"If you visit him you may not come back at all."

"Well I won't be visiting him so don't you worry." She smiles gently and pats my cheek, "so stubborn for what? I just want you to be happy."

"I'm plenty happy with you." She nods with a warm, loving smile and doesn't say anything more on he who shall not be named.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Sand blows gently in the soft breeze as I lay basking in the sun, Ajak had encouraged me to go and find other people but I had chosen to stay alone.

I wasn't sure which of the others I wanted to see.

Sprite I'd seen most recently so maybe I could go and check on her and Sersi, although Kingo was the one I'd have the most fun with. Phastos most likely didn't want to be disturbed, I had no clue where Makkari was so that seemed unlikely, same with Ikaris. I did really miss Gilgamesh and Thena but with her case of mahd wy'ry maybe that wasn't the best decision.

The easiest decision would be to just go home I'd only be two days early anyways. I'm sure Ajak will have missed me enough too, we're all we really had right now.

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