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I had left the others to plan and whatever, I just needed a moment to process all of my thoughts and I wanted to be alone right now.

I hear the soft echo of footsteps making me quickly wipe my eyes as I try to hide my sniffles, I relax once I see it's Druig, he stops not expecting to bump into anyone. He goes to turn around but hesitates as he looks at me.

He doesn't say anything but I can tell what he wants to ask by his expression, I nod to let him know I was ok. He comes over and sits in front of me, knowing that I wanted him to stay.

"I can't believe he betrayed us like that." I speak before he can, "I can't believe he murdered Ajak, Druig I was living with Ajak, what if I had been home? Could I have saved her? Or would he have just killed me too?" He frowns as he tries to think of an answer, "I don't know, but you can't blame yourself, it's all his fault, there was nothing you could've done."

"I still love him and I hate that I do but he's still Ikaris, the one we came to earth with, I don't know I'm so conflicted, I'm so angry at him but all those feelings didn't just disappear, he's still family?" I knew Druig never like Ikaris so he probably didn't care as much but this hit me hard, I really did care about him or I used to it's hard to say, I just keep remembering all the good times we had together, how much we had cared about each other. I couldn't shake his betrayal though.

I couldn't get over how he murdered Ajak and left her body there for us to find, how he stood there mere inches from her corpse and hugged me, telling me it wasn't my fault. Of course it fucking wasn't, it was hiss I just don't understand.

"He thinks he's doing what's right but he's taking it way too far, you can't let whatever you felt for him distract you, you heard what he said. He'll kill all of us if we try to stop him, he's not the same Ikaris you have to remember that." He says softly moving his hands from my knees to wipe the tears from under my eyes.

Druig leaves me be for a short while, a very short while because I collect myself fairly quickly and know that I had to be ready to stop the emergence at any moment.

"You don't need to give me a pep talk Thena already has." My brows furrow as I bump into Sersi, "oh um that's great because I had nothing prepared," I say holding my thumbs up awkwardly.

"Did you mean what you said before?" She asks shaking the awkwardness off, "yes?" To be honest I didn't really know what she was referring to, I had spoken quite a lot.

"When you told Ikaris you were going to kill him?" I sigh as she looks nervous, expectant for my answer. "Yes." I say simply, "if he tries to kill me or any one of you I wouldn't hesitate, I love you guys and would do anything to protect you. I'm sorry because I know how you feel about him and I love him too but I wouldn't let him hurt us." She nods in understanding, "but I'm still behind you Sersi, all the way." She steps forwards and hugs me before thanking me for everything.

I then end up finding myself with Thena. She's stood silently her eyes closed as she mumbles softly to herself. I hesitate before disrupting her, gently placing my hand on her arm she jumps slightly before relaxing once she looks at me.

"Are you ok?" Gilgamesh was the main reason that she hadn't lost her sanity to her mahd why'ry, he was like her anchor, her tether to herself and I didn't know how she was coping without him. I mean obviously Thena was strong, one of the strongest among us, but the bond she had with Gilgamesh was special it was pure and it was healthy for her. Losing that was enough to send a person off the deep end. I myself was unsure if I'd be able to manage a loss like that.

"I'm fine. I'm remembering who I am, or well I'm trying." I nod, ready to leave her be, not really understanding how she processes this or how she and Gil had established a way to help her remember.

"Want to spar?" My brow raises in surprise as she smirks at me, "you want to spar with me? Do you remember what happened last time?" I questing with a grin as amusement creeps into her face at the memory.

"Come on, I'm sure you've improved by now, there's no need to be embarrassed." I scoff at her words, "I'm not embarrassed." She nods in a sort of patronising way, "I'm sure you're not, but if you truly want to kill Ikaris you must be able to at least defeat me in battle."

"I've never defeated you in sparring because I've never wanted to hurt you." She scoffs herself this time, even surprising me with a chuckle, "you have no reason to worry about harming me, this may surprise you but I'm a big girl, I can handle myself."

"No I know that, but I don't like bringing harm to the people I love, even accidentally." She smiles at me before her face shifts to one of more serious nature. "And Ikaris? He was a person you loved, could you truly kill him?"

I think it over for a moment before nodding, I could and I would if I had to. I had to admit that I had maybe let my emotions get to me in heat of the moment when I threatened him but I was sure that once we ran into him again those feelings would resurface making it easier for me to try and kill him.

I wasn't very confident in my abilities to be honest, I wasn't stupid, I knew that Ikaris was way stronger than I and that I most likely stood no chance against him on my own. I mean I could always turn him into the rat he was and stomp on him, although I doubt that I'd be able to get my hands on him for long enough to change him.

"No more holding back Calypso, you have to unleash your true power. We all know that you're stronger than you allow yourself to exert."

"Alright, no more holding back." I shrug as I stretch making Thena's smirk return as she manifests her weapons to her hands before she takes the first step to attack.

Ok wow omg I hadn't realised how long it had been since I'd updated. Tbh I was doing most of this book from memory so I went away for a short while but my small break disrupted my pattern and made it harder to remember things as well as keep up with updating. But the book is almost done so I won't delay it too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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