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It's dark once I return home and so I decide instead of disturbing Ajak who I knew to be a light sleeper, I would just walk around back and sit in my spot waiting for the sunrise as was my routine. Only this time I'd be the one to get breakfast ready, waiting for Ajak.

I stop for a moment as I notice what seems to be a body? Not wasting another moment I sprint towards the body, a scream and a sob meet in my throat, they mangle together as I sink down beside the woman I considered a mother. She was grey, her body dull, cold and lifeless. "Ajak no, no, no you promised. You promised you'd be here when I got back." I sob pressing my forehead to hers.

Three pairs of footsteps come running towards me and I brace myself ready to attack only to relax once I see it's the others. "Calypso?"

"What happened? How is she dead?" Sersi and sprite look at me with pity as well as grief but neither girl answers and so Ikaris steps forward. "We got here not that long ago and found her like this. It was a deviant." I shake my head as I stand, "no, no we killed all the deviants."

"They're back."

I glance back at Ajak's corpse unable to stop the fresh wave of tears emerging. "I should've been here." Ikaris shakes his head as he steps forward to comfort me. "It's not your fault, you couldn't have known." He assures as he allows me to cry into his chest.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

The four of us are now sat inside as they fill me in on what I've missed, the same deviant who murdered Ajak had attacked Sersi and Sprite in London. Ajak had picked Sersi to lead us and she had supposedly spoken to Arishem. The three of them also informed me that we'd have to get the others.

"This is gonna be so much fun." I say sarcasm rich in my voice making Ikaris laugh, "family reunions always are."

Well if Sersi and Ikaris could be around each other after he left her for reasons unknown, I guess I could suck it up and do the same.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Kingo was first on the list, we had made our way to Mumbai where he was filming one of his new movies. Ajak and I had watched every single one of Kingo's movies and so it was actually quite exciting to see this one being filmed.

Sersi was also watching with bright smile, Ikaris looked confused and sprite looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here. I suppose she was still upset with Kingo for abandoning her.

"Namaskar," I turn to see a man has a approached us and is greeting us. "I'm Karun Patel, Kingo's valet." I smile at the man and greet him back. "It's truly an honour to be in the presence of the great Eternals." All four of our heads turn to him in unison, surprised Kingo had shared that.

We continue watching the rest of the scene until Kingo yells cut, "okay everyone that was good, we could do, ten percent better though." He says before someone starts tending to his hair.

His face changes once he lays eyes on us an excited yell leaving his mouth. "Oh my friends from college are here!" He shouts excitedly, making his way over.

"Hello boss!" He says before embracing Ikaris and explaining the movie was actually about him and that he was playing Ikaris. "We need to talk to you in private." Sprite says interrupting his little ramble and pointing at Karun, indicating she didn't want him to hear what we had to say.

"Oh Karun? He's worked for me for 50 years, I trust him completely." He says before finding something amusing, "actually when we first met he thought I was a vampire and he tried to stake me through the heart."

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