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"Not helping the others with the deviant?" I shrug with a bit of a yawn, "I'm pretty tired to be honest, besides they can handle it." I say as I join Sprite Phastos and Druig in the Domo. Druig chuckles under his breath as I sit across from him, "what?" He shakes his head and says a quiet nothing not answering my question, which just makes my curiosity grow, I decide to left it go playfully rolling my eyes at him.

"Where's Ajak and sersi?" I ask glancing at Phastos who was designing something new. "Ajak's talking to arishem, Sersi is late per usual." I nod but don't give it another thought. "So what are you working on Phastos?"

He goes to answer when Ajak suddenly joins us, "Phastos did you go to the party last night, like I told you to?" He most certainly did not, he stammers out unbelievable words claiming he did but Druig tells Ajak the truth laughing as he does so pleased to irritate Phastos a bit. Druig loved bothering the others sometimes, well most times, but to be fair it was pretty entertaining.

I tap his foot with mine, "you remember what I told you about snitches?" I asking in a mock threatening way, "oh I'm so scared." In one swift movement I've knocked his food to the ground making him gape at me, the boy loved his food. "Oh so this is how it's gonna be?" He asks making me raise my brows with a smug smirk, "yeah, what you gonna do about it?" I challenge, he looks at me for a moment before he lowers his legs from the windowsill and grips my ankle.

I let out a shriek of laughter in surprise as he pulls me towards him in a quick motion, "ok, ok I'm sorry! I concede." I say through laughter making him smile. "I'll let you off this time, but now I'm hungry."

"When aren't you?" I say before standing and grabbing his hand, "come on I'll get you something else to eat." I say making him beam, "you truly know the way to my heart." I laugh before remembering we were the others. Phastos is busy working on his invention, not paying us the slightest bit of attention whereas Ajak was watching us a warm smile on her face, she mutters something to herself, I hear it but don't really understand what she means when she says something about us always finding each other.

Before I can think on it Sersi comes running into the room apologising for her tardiness. "Hi Sersi, by Sersi." I say as I  feel Druig pull on my hand.

"Learn some patience." I say as he acts as though he were about to starve to death. "You're walking so slow." He complains, "I'm literally a second away from throwing you over my shoulder so we'll get there before dying of old age."

"We're eternals that wouldn't happen." I say and instead of responding he simply pulls me into him before lifting me with ease and throwing me over his shoulder.

{I'm thinking of posting flashbacks as their own chapters and then a chapter on the present? just so I can post more frequently but do you guys think that's too confusing? Anyways hope you're enjoying the story, let me know what you think :)}

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