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"So are you gonna help us then?" I ask Druig who seems almost offended at my question, "course I am what kinda question is that?" Druig and I are walking back to the camp, it was a shame we couldn't spend more time alone together, especially when we'd spent so much time apart.

"Just double checking." I shrug before we walk in silence, I sneak a glance at him feeling as though the atmosphere was slightly awkward. "I see after all these years you still walk like an old lady."

"Hey!" I gasp in offence even though I smile at his attempt to break the awkwardness. "I do not." I deny making him laugh, "with your pace it'll be a miracle to see if we can get back to the others before the emergence."

"You just walk like the worlds ending." I retort making him turn to me, "well it is."

"Fair enough." We do get back to the others to see they had all dispersed, Sersi is on the phone to her boyfriend, Ikaris hovering slightly watching her with longing. Kingo is with Sprite and Karun who has another camera somehow and is recording Sprite, she stomps over and smashes it a second later. I can't see Thena and Gilgamesh anywhere.

I look to my side to see Druig has disappeared, I shrug it off and walk over to Karun and Kingo, "where did you get another camera from?" I ask amused, "you should always pack back ups." Karun says making me nod. "Well if you have another one I'll give you a proper interview... for the documentary." Kingo beams and steps forward to lift me up making me laugh, "thank you Callie this is why you're my favourite." To be honest I felt bad at seeing the cameras getting destroyed so I thought I'd just go along and humour them.

"Um hi, I'm Calypso, and I am the best Eternal, not just because I'm the best looking. My powers include Mystikenosis which is a sort of form of reality warping you could say. It allows me to shapeshift my body in any way that I want as well as control over the weather. I probably use my shapeshifting the most because it's just easier and quicker. With the weather I need to think of more creative ways to kill the deviants because they're pretty strong so snow and rain isn't really all that effective on their own." I feel as though I'm speaking too much but Karun is watching me genuinely interested in everything I have to say to that assures me I'm doing fine, well that and the thumbs up Kingo is giving me.

"So tell us more about your life," I shrug, "kinda boring really I spent basically all of my time with Ajak, we traveled all over the world posing as mother and daughter." Kingo's not impressed by my answer, he wanted this documentary to be as dramatic as he was. "Have you had any relationships over the years?"

"A few, they could never last because you know... eternals don't age so I eventually just gave up on them altogether."

"I guess it's a good thing Druig is an eternal who doesn't age." Kingo smirks, "what was it like seeing him for the first time after he dumped you all those years ago."

"I don't really wanna talk about that."

"Is it too hard? Do you feel too much anger? Is that why you punched him?"

Before I can tell Kingo how I felt about his nosy questions we jump because a deviant has sunk it's claws onto Ikaris and carried him away. Before anyone can react another two deviants emerge, both going after Sersi, Kingo quickly protects her by killing the one that was closest to her. I go for the other one that was a bit further back.

It charges for me but I slide under the deviant as I change my hand into a large blade and swipe at its legs, relieved to see I slice them clean off. Once it falls I slice the head and move back panting slightly. I hadn't done this in a while, wow I forgot how out of practice I was.

"Ok no one look at me."

"What the hell are you doing?!" Kingo and the others quickly turn away as I start to pull my shirt over my head. "I said don't look!" I yell as I continue to take my clothes off, "I mean it's nothing I haven't seen before." Druig mutters even though he had turned too. "These are human clothes." I explain, "yes and the purpose is to keep them on,"

"No, they're not like our suits they'll tear when I shift." I don't explain further because things were time sensitive right now. Instead I shift into a large wolf and go running after another deviant. It's easier to fight them like this for me because I was the same size as them or sometimes bigger and I was faster and stronger.

I get back to the camp after killing my deviant to see Ikaris being pinned down by one, I run and push it off him only for it to bite my leg. It does more damage than I expected but Ikaris had recovered and so he takes the deviant back on only to get pushed down for a second time.

Sersi runs to help him, the deviant pushes her o to the water and joins her only for Sersi to change it into a tree. We all watch in awe she'd never been able to do that before. Ikaris runs to check on her whilst Druig approaches me, he has my clothes in his hand. I nudge him with my head making him smile as he strokes the top of it. "You ok?" He asks I can't really respond as a wolf so I lick his face making him laugh as he gently pushes my head away. "Go get changed, I wanna speak to you normally."

Once I get back Ikaris is helping Sersi get out of the pond, he tells us there's another deviant, the stronger one, the one that killed Ajak. Well I wish he'd told us sooner because I wouldn't have shifted back then. He flies ahead of us significantly faster and the rest of us follow on foot.

Once we finally reach them my mouth parts in shock, Thena is crying over Gilgamesh, he's dead. My eyes begin to sting and I can't help but turn to Druig as I cry. He holds me close wrapping an arm around me in a secure hug whilst his free hand went up to cradle the back of my head.

I'm still so sad Gilgamesh died, I really liked him and Thena's reaction was so sad </3 as always hope you're enjoying the story let me know if there's any particular flashback scenes you wanna see between Druig and Calypso.

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