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All of us were stood around a large a fire, it was a funeral for Gilgamesh of sorts, tears silently roll down my face as we stand there. I couldn't believe that we'd lost Ajak and Gilgamesh so suddenly and so close together, this deviant couldn't take anymore of the people I loved away.

As I sniffle Druig wraps his arms around me from behind, he holds me firmly to his chest before resting his chin on my shoulder and tracing shapes on my arm. I couldn't get Thena out of my mind, I couldn't even begin to imagine how she was feeling right now, if this were Druig I have no idea how I would even react. I couldn't handle him leaving the thought of his death was too much for me. I reach up and grab his hand so incredibly grateful that I could.

Once everyone disperses I know Sersi wants to talk to Druig so I tell him I'm going to find one of the others. The first person I happen to find is Ikaris, he looks up and tries to send to send me a smile, "what is wrong?" There was a time, a long long time ago when I was probably the closest to Ikaris, but to be fair I was close to each eternal in different ways lifetimes ago.

He doesn't speak so I don't push him instead I decide it's my turn to comfort him as he had done for me. I wrap my arm around his shoulder and he leans into me immediately, boy something was really bothering him, I conclude it must be the whole sersi moving on and the deviants being back thing. "Everything will be ok Ikaris." I say gently, making him nod before, he sits back up and gives me a nod of acknowledgment and then walks off. That was very odd behaviour but I shrug it off, we were all grieving, in different ways.

I decide to keep going not really wanting to be alone when I stumble across Sprite, she's sat with her knees pressed to her chest and she's crying. I hadn't spoken to Sprite much since we'd reunited and I felt bad, I crouch in front of her, "Sprite?" She looks up and hastily wipes her eyes. "I'm not crying." She says making me nod, "ok, are you ok? I'm sorry I've not been more there for you." She scoffs and pushes my hands away as she stands, "not everything is about you." I'm honestly stunned I don't know what to say.

"I didn't say it was. Sprite I'm just saying I can see something is clearly bothering you and I want to be here for you."

"Why? You don't care."

"Don't say that, I care, of course I care. Do you remember when you were staying with Ajak and I? When you couldn't sleep and I sat with you every night until you could?" She nods as her tears start up again. "I don't want to be like this." I frown at her, "why did Arishem make me this way?" I don't know what to say to her, I don't know why she was made this way. "I'm alone Calypso, I'm so alone." I wrap my arms around her and shake my head.

"You're not alone, your never alone, you have us Sprite, always. And I don't know why Arishem made you this way, but you're perfect just the way you are. I promise you are."

"I want love." That stumps me, I feel sympathy for her, she was a seven thousand year old in what seemed to be a twelve year olds body. I didn't know how I could help her, there was nothing I could actually do, nothing any of us could do.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Sersi and Ikaris had gone to get Phastos, he would be the one who could  help us stop the emergence for sure. I just hated having to wait around, especially now that Kingo was trying to get us all to participate in his documentary. "Kingo I'm telling you nicely because you know that the other three don't like to use their words. Put the camera away." He starts complaining under his breath but instructs Karun to put the cameras away for now.

I sigh and drop my head into my hands, I just wanted this to be over without any more of us dying and there was the stress of not being sure if we could stop this and if we couldn't then everyone on earth would die and we would forget everything.

"Calypso." It's Druig he's sat beside me and I can feel the warmth from his hand on my back. "Ajak is dead, Gilgamesh is dead, I feel like more of us are going to die. I can't handle if anymore of us die, especially if it's you. I-If you die Druig I will die purely from the pain I can't-"

"Hey, hey relax. Relax calypso we're going to do this and we're going to be fine. All of us, listen to me, look I can't promise you I won't die but I'd like to think you'd have more faith in me." I smile slightly making him grin, "please keep that beautiful smile on your face, you know it's one of my favourite sights on earth."

I lean up to give him a quick peck on the lips, "thank you." I whisper as he pushes my hair from my eyes, "I don't wanna sound ungrateful but is that really gonna be our first kiss after centuries?"

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