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"It's time." We're all woken up from the sleep we had been put into to ease the long flight from Olympia to Earth. My eyes open and the first person I see is Druig, he's sat directly opposite me  and so once his eyes open I'm the first thing he sees. I smile at him just because it felt right to do, my stomach turns excitedly once he smiles back.

We all get up and stand against the wall to dress into our special suits, I look down and smile I loved my suit best out of all of them. It was purple like Kingo's although mine was more of a light lilac colour opposed to his violet. Another difference would be that the detailing was more of a whiteish silver.

Earth was close now, I could see it out of the window, the one Sersi and Ikaris were stood by. I didn't want to get involved in that so I wander away, the first person I come across being Druig.

"Hey." I smile sitting beside him, he looks up slightly flustered but he recovers quickly. "What do you think earth will be like?" I question, I'd never been anywhere other than Olympia so this felt a bit odd.

"I don't know, it's supposed to be special ain't it? That's why we're going to protect them from the deviants." I nod, "I think I'm going to love it, it already looks so beautiful from here." I say glancing back to window, only able to see the smallest glance from where I was sat. "Yeah so beautiful." He murmurs although he's not looking out the window.

"I'm never sleeping again." I groan waking up once more after my mind decides to torment me again. "Why? Do you get nightmares? Do you need a night light?" I roll my eyes at Kingo's teasing and simply make it rain above him. "C'mon Callie, why've you gotta do that?" He complains as I laugh watching him sulk away muttering profanities as he goes to change.

"What were you dreaming about?" I look over following Thena's soft voice, "our journey from Olympia... oh there is no Olympia. Well our journey here." I shrug, "you were smiling." She notes, "I was?" She nods, "you sure you weren't dreaming about Druig?"

I roll my eyes, "he was there, as were you and the other eternals we traveled with she nods and doesn't say anything more although I can tell by the look on her face that she doesn't believe me.

"What will you say to him?" I look down and begin to chip my nail polish away as I think about her question, what would I say to him? I knew that the only reason I hadn't gone to him already was because I knew I'd probably forgive him the second I saw him and because I wanted him to hurt the way he hurt me. "I would say a right hook is appropriate in this situation." Thena answers her own question when I don't reply before she sends me a reassuring smile and gets up to sit with Gilgamesh.

Shaking my head I decided to do what I did best. Push my feelings down for now so I wouldn't have to deal with them.

I'd know when the time came.

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"So you really haven't even come to check on him not once?" I sigh unsure why they were all bothering me with these questions. "No." That was a lie I had come once years ago but I chickened out before I could see him. I decided to shift into a bird just so I could get a glimpse of him, I wish I hadn't though because the second I saw him I desperately wanted to stay. I managed to pull myself away, I don't know how not when every part of me was screaming at me to stay.

I did it though, I went straight to Ajak and I stayed with her up until I left her and she died. "Want me to fight him?" I glance up and smile slightly at Thena and shake my head, "no."

"Can we stop talking about it now?" I ask as we make our way through the beautiful Amazon, I could see why Druig wanted to stay here. "Sure but we all remember what happened when you got dumped you can't blame us for worrying." I roll my eye, "I didn't get dumped." I grumble, "ok abandoned."

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