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"Aren't you the one who said stealing is wrong?" I jump once Druig's voice interrupts my silence, "I think it depends on the context to be fair." I shrug as I continue taking what I was taking. "And what is the context?" He asks crossing his arms as he looks at me expectantly. "Well makkari needs things to exchange for the emerald tablet she wants and because of my gifts I thought it'd be easy for me to get them."

"What would Ajak say?" He asks teasingly making me turn to him, "probably the same thing she'd say if I told on all the times you meddle with the humans." I say raising my brow whilst he chuckles, "you got me there."

"Are you not going to hurry it up?" He asks as he watches me take my time going through things that would be of value, "why would I, if someone comes I've got you to help me out." I shrug even less worried now. "I think you've got enough, let's go." He says reaching for my hand.

We split up as we make it to the others, I see Makkari and instantly go over to give her the things she had requested, she signs a thank you before hugging me briefly and going over to the men who were supposed to know about the tablet.

Sprite was showing the humans a beautiful show with her illusions as she narrated them, I along with everyone else looked up at the sky and watched in awe. Until I felt a tugging on my suit, I look down to see a little human girl, her eyes are wide and filled with tears as though she were about to cry at any moment. I frown and have to crouch down to her height to ask her what's wrong. She tells me that she's lost her mother in the large crowd so I'm quick to reassure her everything will be fine before lifting her up to see if we could find her mother.

She holds me tightly as I weave through the crowd asking her if every woman in sight was who we were looking for. We find her eventually she's just as worried as her daughter had been and is quick to hug and thank me profusely for reuniting them which I'm quick to assure her it was no problem.

I look around not really looking for anything but just observing people until I meet Druig's eyes, unlike everyone else who'd been watching Sprite's show his eyes were trained solely on me, his face seemed impassive but I could see the slightly tilt of his lips as the corners were turned up.

Weaving through the crowd once more I find myself by his side at an instant. "You're missing the show." I murmur making him shrug, "you're far more beautiful than any illusion Sprite makes up, especially when you're helping people." I try to keep the heat from raising to my cheeks at his words but I fail unable to hide the effect he truly had on me.

I don't know how to reply in fear of embarrassing myself but with the way he was watching me I doubted I could ever make myself look stupid to him. We just stare at each other the vibrant colours from the sprites illusions brushing over our faces, gently lighting them as we inch closer. 

We seem to stop when our faces are mere inches away from each other, I hesitate unsure for a moment as I allow my mind to try and talk me out of this, everything that could possible go wrong flashes up in my mind. A warm hand on my cheeks snaps me out of it though, "are you ok?" All those fears are drowned out by Druig and his voice, his beautiful voice that told me I had no reason to overthink things.

I answer by moving forwards and erasing the minuscule gap between us before softly placing my lips on his. I feel him smile against me as his hand inches up from my cheek into my hair and he deepens the kiss, my senses go into overdrive every inch of me feeling as though it were on fire under his touch.

I was just glad everyone was focused on Sprite meaning they weren't paying attention to us. Someone clearing their throat let me know I was sorely mistaken.

Druig and I separate, I turn to who had interrupted us slightly bashful, especially when it's Ikaris staring at us unimpressed. "Ajak wants to speak to the both of you." He says glaring at Druig who simply matches Ikaris' glare before pushing past him.

I go to follow when Ikaris get my laches onto my wrist, "just a moment Calypso." I look at him confused, "are you sure you know what you're doing? Druig isn't-"

"Ikaris I get your concern for me but I'm not a child, I do know what I'm doing and how to handle myself." I say pulling my hand from his grip as he watches me dumbfounded. " Also whatever your issues with Druig, he is still apart of our team and here for the same reasons we are."

"Right, I'm sorry." I knew he and Druig didn't really get along but wow. "It's just he hates everyone." I shrug, "not the humans and not me."

"Are we in trouble?" I ask confused once I join Ajak and Druig, the latter looking beyond annoyed. "We didn't do anything wrong." She smiles at me and shakes her head, "no, you're not in trouble, I'm perfectly happy for the two of you to be together." Druig scoffs under his breath probably at the assumption he would listen to Ajak if she said we couldn't be together.

She glances at him but doesn't say anything and instead continues as though she hadn't heard him, "like I said there is no problem with whatever the two of you want to be, I want you to live your lives, but I do hope your feelings won't effect the team or what we came here to do." I nod taking her words seriously whereas Druig shrugs not really seeming to care in the slightest.

"Ikaris is just mad because he had to ask permission to go after Sersi." Druig says finding amusement in mocking Ikaris once it's just the two of us. "He asked permission?" I did find that sort of amusing. "Of course he did, he would never want to upset Ajak, the giant kiss ass." He says making me laugh, "but enough on that waste of space, what does my girl wanna do?"

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