11 | The Game

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"Jungkook, stop being so childish!"

Jungkook pointed at himself and questioned, "Childish? Me?"

"Yeah, who else?" you rolled your eyes making Jungkook snicker. He checked the time on the clock on the wall and his eyes widened.

"Y/n," he called out your name to make you look at him but instead, you continued reading the book in your lap instead of replying to him intentionally.

"Y/n, look at me," he said. He despised it when someone wasn't looking at him while he was talking to them. "I'm not up for this drama, Y/n," he snapped his fingers in front of your face, receiving no response at all. You were being cheeky, and now he was annoyed.

However, instead of shouting at you, he rested his index finger beneath your chin, making you look at him. "It's time for me to go to my basketball practice. Let's continue this topic tomorrow."

You bluffed for a bit, still trying to process his closeness when he made you look at him. "Wait," you blurted out, making him pause in his tracks. "Basketball practice for?"

"The basketball match tomorrow at school? Don't you know?" he questioned with a raised brow.

"I know but... you're in the basketball team? Didn't you just join this school?"

He smiled and replied, "Well, I can't help. I'm just so good at it," he boasted.

"Who's the opposition?"

"Min-ho," he replied simply.

"You're gonna lose so bad, do you know that?" you decided to tease him, successfully earning a frown from him.

"Lose? That word isn't in my dictionary," he shrugged his shoulders.

"You're being overconfident," you snickered.

"Let's see that tomorrow. See you," he cheekily blew a kiss at you and walked out of the room with his bag on his shoulders.

| time skip / next day

You walked into the basketball court to not catch sight of even a single person. After yesterday's incident, suddenly your interest had grown in watching Jungkook's game, seeing how confident he seemed.

The opposition team was Min-ho's, last year's basketball captain. He was rather tall with fluffy hair mostly covering his forehead. He had big eyes, a slender nose, and plump lips; with those looks, it was almost as if he owned the hearts of all girls–you being one of them, but in the past.

Your mind snapped when you heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, so you're here to watch me play, hm?" Jungkook said with a teasing smirk. You rolled your eyes, planning to tease him back.

"No, not you. I'm here to watch Min-ho," you said making Jungkook roll his eyes. You chuckled at his reaction and watched him swiftly walk down the stairs and start warming up in the court.

"Did you even have your lunch?" you yelled, making sure your voice reached him. In response, he shook his head and began jogging around as coolly as you'd ever seen him, and somehow he managed to make that simple movement look so attractive.

You just sat there watching him warm up,  watching his every single movement carefully, with a keen eye. 

"Are you done now?" 

You flinched when you saw Jungkook standing right in front of you, smiling. 

"I... I wasn't staring at you. I just zoned out for a bit," you awkwardly said, scratching your nose bridge out of embarrassment.

"I never said you were staring at me."

Your cheeks flushed red at his words. 'How could you be so stupid, Y/n?'  you pondered as you mentally hit yourself on the head, heading over to a drain on the street and jumping inside it, once again, out of discomfiture.

Jungkook headed towards the boys' changing room, leaving you on your seat, dumbfounded.

Right now, you aren't alone on the basketball court. Many students, especially girls had claimed the front seats to closely watch their crushes play–
and one of them happened to be you.

Unfortunately, Joy couldn't watch the match because she had lots of pending work and had been told to complete it while other students enjoyed the match, she obviously would've joined you to gawk at her crush, Hyo-seob, who was on Min-ho's team.

Looking at all the girls who had come to watch the match, it was very obvious that these young ladies had a fetish for guys who play basketball.

Thirty minutes went by and the match started–the screeching of the coach's whistle echoed around the huge room.

The game began with Min-ho dribbling the ball constantly, changing paths frequently to trick the ones trying to take over. However, Jungkook entered the scene and took over, smoothly doing the crossover dribble, and it didn't take him a minute more to throw the ball so that it passed through the hoop.

And that's how the blue team had already scored a point.

Your eyes widened out of surprise. Did Min-ho just lose to Jungkook?  you pondered as you gawked at Jungkook who already had sweat on his forehead.

Jungkook was quick to notice your gaze on him. He smiled proudly for once and winked at you. 

Min-ho shot a glare at Jungkook, who cared little about him. The crowd that was actually interested in the game was disappointed in Min-ho, also known as the best basketball player amongst everyone in the school.

After an hour of a very intense match, with multiple ups and downs, the red team managed to tie with the blue team and now was the last game. This was the round that would determine the winner of the day, and probably even the basketball captain for the year.

Unlike usual, more than half of the crowd cheered for Jungkook instead of Min-ho, while you just sat quietly, anticipating the final winner to be announced.

The last game began once again, and the intensity of the moment was insane. The crowd had gone totally silent, wondering who'd become the winner of this final match because till now, the red team had struggled quite much to even tie with the blue team–and half the credit for that goes to Jungkook, who'd played in the most exemplary way team blue had ever before.

"Y/n!" you heard a whisper in your ear, snapping you out of your reverie. It was Joy. "Who's winning?!" she asked you. You looked at her and replied in a low voice,

"Don't know. Both the teams are having a tie, but this is the last match. Now let's see who wins–"

Your words were cut off by loud, subsequent cheers, "Jeon Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook!"

Startled, you turned your gaze towards the court and your eyes grew wider.


"Team Blue won... but how?!" Joy exclaimed, amused.

"Jungkook," you muttered his name slowly as a response.

Joy held your shoulder, massaging it as she teasingly whispered in your ear, "You've got a tough guy."

And with that, she left.

Jungkook, who was finally put down by his fellow teammates, jogged towards you and leaned towards you, his face right in front of yours, with a distance of barely a few inches.

"So... was I being overconfident yesterday?"


edited: 02-10-23

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